Hello my friend.

It’s Dustin Nemos from the Nemos News Network.

This is your look into the silent war going on behind the scenes.

We have 3 reports today.

There are a lot of Q Posts to go through like – Durham Investigation currently focused on others.

Remember: FISA is just the start… In the game of Chess, you must eliminate other game pieces before you can checkmate the King (Obama)…

The D’s and MSM don’t want you knowing about HCQ because it would end the COVID-19 Pandemic.

There are a lot of happenings being analyzed from the past few months to see where we are heading. Do we take the Coronavirus as a genuine threat as it is being portrayed? What is the deep state upto?

There is also a special interview with Michael Recktenwald, retired NYU professor of Liberal Studies done by John Michael Chambers in the News Behind the News.

Let’s dive in…

Nemos News Network