760K subscribers
Report date: 05.28.2020
The Trump administration is building the foundation for small businesses, people and those in rural and minority areas. This is the foundation that will get the economy back up and running. The MSM/D’s narrative that the economy is going to crash, not recover is now falling apart, Trump is playing with in the illusion, he brought the market backup and now the economy is about to move forward. All source links to the report can be found on the site.
Part b…
Trump Signals Next Phase, Huber Enters The Ring, Game Over Jack – Episode 2185b
Report date: 05.28.2020
The [DS]/MSM are using masks to keep the fear and chaos of the event, this is already failing. According the experts the masks do not really do anything. Trump signals that Huber is about to enter the ring, the [DS] is panicking, they are going to push multiple events to clog the news cycles so the MSM questions are based on the current event. Trump has now signed an EO removing liability shields from social media platforms. All source links to the report can be found on the site