Report date: 06.07.2020
Behind the scenes the patriots are transitioning the economy from a [CB] globalist system into a people run system. Trump is making the rounds, removing tariffs, helping the industries that have been hurt by the [CB]/globalists. What we are witnessing is the great transition.
All source links to the report can be found on the site.
part two (b)
Comms, We See All, We Know All, [DS] In The Process Of Being Exposed – Episode 2193b
Report date: 06.07.2020
The patriots are now exposing the [DS]/MSM, the people need to see the truth, only then can change take place. The patriots just signaled the [DS] that we know all, we see all. This is part of the plan, this the GA and it is happening WW. The [DS]/MSM is now moving into the next phase, we knew this day would come, we knew it wouldn’t be easy.
All source links to the report can be found on the site.