By Kristinn Taylor

The Gateway Pundit

June 14, 2020

A street preacher who entered the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone established by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle was attacked by Antifa thugs on Saturday who choked, sexually assaulted and pinned him to the ground. A Black Lives Matter activist intervened on behalf of the preacher.

One video shows the preacher surrounded by Antifa goons with a self-proclaimed gay man holding him in a bear hug who repeatedly kissed the preacher against his will and choked him at one point.

Another video shows the preacher pinned to the ground and being choked. The preacher was eventually set free.

Read More and Watch Videos HERE

Last Thursday AG Barr told Seattle to clean up their act, giving them 96 hours notice which is 4 days. Today, Sunday is the fourth day… Tomorrow (Monday June 15th) is when action should be taking place… The Rule of Law returns…

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