By Kristinn Taylor

The Gateway Pundit

July 13, 2020

The White House put out a statement to the Washington Post listing several mistakes by Dr. Anthony Fauci about the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus pandemic. While the White House did not characterize Fauci’s mistakes as “deadly”, Fauci’s mistakes clearly cost American lives as the public and the government heeded his advice early on that downplayed the seriousness of the virus that has since killed nearly 140,000 Americans this year. Democrats rushed to defend Fauci.

The Post article is about the deteriorating relationship between the career bureaucrat Fauci (who cannot be fired by the President) and the Trump administration. The article states Fauci has not spoken with President Trump since the first week of June and no longer briefs him. The Post also reported the administration is limiting Fauci’s TV interviews.

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