
Federal law enforcement officials have reportedly started to whisk suspected rioters off the streets of Portland in unmarked cars as the Trump administration begins to make good on its promise to “quell” the violence in the city.

“Federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least July 14,” Oregon Public Broadcasting reported Thursday. “Personal accounts and multiple videos posted online show the officers driving up to people, detaining individuals with no explanation of why they are being arrested, and driving off.”

“The tactic appears to be another escalation in federal force deployed on Portland city streets, as federal officials and President Donald Trump have said they plan to ‘quell’ nightly protests outside the federal courthouse and Multnomah County Justice Center that have lasted for more than six weeks,” OPB added. “Federal officers have charged at least 13 people with crimes related to the protests so far, while others have been arrested and released.”

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  1. Common sense should tell any of us regardless of our politics that legal violent free protesting does have a place but at the same time protests should not be allowed to block streets, intersections, transit, access to business, downtowns, and those same protests should not in any way interfere with law abiding citizens going about their daily lives .

    We should also be at the point where protests of any kind should not be allowed to cripple the rule of law, make law abiding citizens worry about entering any area and the protests should not continually to cost the tax payer money just because trouble makers want to impede any semblance of order, anarchy cannot continue to go on forever, Anarchists can protest by voting in Anarchists, then they can get what they want .

    Liberal leadership like those in Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Portland, Chicago, NY, D.C., SFO, and the rest have allowed Chaos to take over and it must stop, if Local PD, State/Provincial are not willing or capable the Feds need to bring law am\Nd order back to the cities, there is no other way .

    As with all attacks on the rule of law the real fault can be put at the feet of the judiciary, Liberal Judges are abandoning the Rule of Law and[roving themselves to be derelict in their duty, meaningful realistic sentences are no more and therefore there is NO deterrent so criminals continue along with drug selling, drug use, property crime, street crime sex crimes, violent crime, and crime increases .

    Then society wonders why and they then begin to talking about having thatb”Conversation”, we need to discuss the root causes they say .

    Guess what, if I knew that I was going to serve jail time for r years with no parole for 60 months And be forced to work 8 hours a day I might not commit that crime and we might not need that very important “Uh Conversation” .

    Time to clean the streets of Anarchists, time to serve the people that actually pay the taxes, and it is long past time to clean up the streets so seniors And law abiding citizens can once again go about their daily business without worrying about which streets to avoid .

    Just a little basic common sense can go a long way .