Stephen Malthouse, MD
Denman Island, BC V0R 1T0
October 2020
Dr. Bonnie Henry,
British Columbia Provincial Health Officer,
Ministry of Health,
1515 Blanshard Street,
Victoria, BC V8W 3C9
Dear Dr. Henry,
I am a physician who has been in family medical practice in BC for more than 40 years and a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC since 1978.
I am writing this letter with the hope that you will be able to clarify the basis of your decision-making that has led our provincial government, health ministry, regional health officers, hospitals, medical staff, WorkSafe BC, businesses, and everyday citizens to follow pandemic policies that do not appear based on high-quality scientific research and, in fact, appear to be doing everyone a great deal of harm.1
The early intent of mitigation measures to “flatten the curve”, when we knew very little about SARS-CoV-2, its mode of transmission, and the severity of COVID-19, was reasonable. I believe that most physicians in Canada, myself included, whether active or retired, prepared themselves to take part on the front lines for the expected COVID-19 tsunami. Very soon it was apparent that the expected overwhelming of the hospital system was not going to occur, and now BC physicians have questions about the appropriateness of your public health policies.
The epidemiological evidence clearly shows that the “pandemic” is over and no second wave will follow. The evidence has been available for at least 4-5 months and is irrefutable.2-4 Yet, in spite of this substantial body of research, your office is perpetuating the narrative that a pandemic still exists and a second wave is expected. This false story is being used to justify public health policies that appear to have no health benefits, have already caused considerable harm, and threaten to create more harm in the future.
As you are aware, Sweden took an entirely different approach and, as of mid-September, their infection rate reached an all-time low and Covid-19 related deaths were at zero; 22 of 31 European countries, most of which enacted strict lockdowns, had higher infection rates. Sweden has also largely escaped the financial ruin and catastrophic mental health problems experienced in other countries, including Canada and the U.S.A.
Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, Montréal’s medical officer, has stated “this COVID virus is much like the seasonal flu”. A group of over 400 Belgian doctors have stated “COVID is not a killer virus, but a treatable condition”. Eighteen Canadian doctors wrote the Ontario Premier, Doug Ford, stating “your policies risk significantly harming our children with lifelong consequences”. The Ontario policies are very similar to those of British Columbia.
In 2011, a review of the literature by the British Columbia Centres for Disease Control that sought to evaluate the effectiveness of social distancing measures such as school closures, travel restrictions, and limitations on mass gatherings as a means to address an influenza pandemic concluded that “such drastic restrictions are not economically feasible and are predicted to delay viral spread, but not impact overall mortality”. [Italics added]
Specifically, there appears to be no scientific or medical evidence for5-6
- Self-isolation of asymptomatic people
- social distancing
- facemasks
- arbitrary closure of businesses
- closure of schools, daycares, park amenities, and playgrounds
- the discontinuance of access to education, medical, dental, chiropractic, naturopathic, hearing, dietary, therapeutic, and other support for the physically and mentally disabled, particularly special needs children with neurological disorders
- the closing down of or restrictions on religious places of worship.
According to the CDC Pandemic Severity Index, none of these measures have been warranted. The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by more than 30,000 health scientists and medical doctors from around the world, adds support for this statement.
Surprisingly, the recommendation for reducing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality by supplementing with vitamin D, a measure that is supported by high-quality research, has been absent from your frequent public broadcasts and professional bulletins.7 Optimizing nutrition is a convenient, inexpensive, and safe method of improving immune resistance and has been confirmed through numerous studies for both prevention and treatment of COVID-19. As far as I am aware, you have never mentioned something as simple as vitamin D supplements for our most vulnerable citizens. Yet, it was the promise to protect these same citizens that was used to justify the lockdown of a healthy population and the closure of businesses.
Why are you still using PCR testing? The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Health in Ontario has publicly stated that the PCR test yields over 50% false positives. A New York Times investigative report found that PCR testing yields up to 90% false positives due to excessive amplification beyond the recommendations of the manufacturer. The PCR test was never designed, intended or validated to be used as a diagnostic tool. Even the Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group has stated “clinical sensitivity and specificity values have not been determined for lab developed RT-PCR testing in Canada”.8 Despite expert consensus, you continue to use this inappropriate and inaccurate test to report so-called “cases” and justify your decisions.9-18
The public health definition of a “case” is very broad. As all experienced doctors know, a “case” is a patient with significant symptoms who is often hospitalized. A “case” is not a person who simply has a questionably positive PCR test and presents with no symptoms or an unrelated diagnosis. Pictures of healthy young adults standing in line to get PCR tests, with a cell phone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other, are everywhere in the media. These are not sick people and do not need testing.
Nevertheless, your public announcements repeatedly emphasize that the “case” counts are rising and we are in big trouble. Recently, “out-of-control” case counts were used to justify a second lockdown in Ontario and Quebec. Curfews have been put into place. People are being asked to risk their livelihoods to make sacrifices for the general good, based on Public Health’s misrepresentation of “cases” as sick people.
Meanwhile, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths from COVID-19 have dropped to pre-pandemic levels. Where are all the patients?
Why not simply tell the public that
- the PCR testing is not reliable and is meaningless for diagnosing COVID-19
- positive PCR test results do not represent sick patients,
- rarely are people now becoming ill from SARS-CoV-2,
- provincial hospitals are essentially empty of COVID-19 patients,
- decisions should not be based on “cases” in the news,
- the morbidity/mortality of COVID-19 has not exceeded seasonal influenza,
- the median age of death from COVID-19 in Canada was 85 years,
- the pandemic is over, and
- no second wave is coming?
It is your duty as the provincial health officer to provide facts, not propaganda, and make every effort to stop the public panic. The only reason for emphasizing “cases” is to induce more fear and thereby compliance in the name of promised safety.
Why are children being pursued with a new rinse-and-spit saliva test that is also based on a worthless PCR test? Children have been terrorized and are being given the message that they can never be trusted not to infect their family and friends — essentially, that they are naturally bad. The insistence on covering their faces with masks, a proven useless and even harmful measure, only worsens this sense of shame. The psychological fallout from such messaging is going to be horrific. One only needs to walk down Main Street to already see the catastrophic effects of these messages on the mental and emotional health of families.
The excess death toll from partial lockdowns, social distancing and other public health measures is staggering. The Canadian media reports that provincial measures have been shown to create 12:1 more deaths than the virus; there has been a 40% increase in heart attack deaths in Canada from fear, anxiety and cancelled hospital procedures; suicide and drug overdose deaths have increased and outnumber COVID-19 deaths by a ratio of 3:1; suicides have doubled in BC since April; and anxiety and depression, food insecurity, domestic violence, and child abuse have skyrocketed. With unnecessary school closures, the ability of teachers to identify children subject to abuse and malnourishment has been curtailed. Many of our friends, family and patients died alone, terrified, and isolated against their will in facilities and nursing homes. That cruel policy was unjustified and inhuman.
How is it possible that a doctor with your previous training and experience did not anticipate the collateral damage of your public health policies – the economic disruption, the psychological and physical health consequences, and the deaths from despair?
The mainstream media has created a religion out of public health, one based on superstition, not science, with the power to rule over an obedient public. The news channels have raised you to almost saint-like status. Tea towels, shoes and murals have been designed to celebrate your accomplishments. Yet, your public directives do not make sense, contradict the research, and are causing people a great deal of harm. As a fellow doctor, I appeal to you to re-examine your policies and change direction before Public Health causes irreparable damage to our province’s health and economic well-being. That about-face will require you to meet the obligations of your office.
Stephen Malthouse, MD
Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia,
Denman Island, British Columbia
- The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closures
- Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group. How do the testing characteristics for the Alberta Health Services lab-developed test for COVID-19 differ between samples collected from nasal, nasopharyngeal, and throat swabs? 15 April 2020 [Internet]. (accessed 16 May 2020).
- Zhang GH et al. Potential false-positive rate among the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients.J.CN, 2020 Mar 5;41(4):485-488.
- Insert from sample COVID testing kit: RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 For research use only! The RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 is a reagent system, based on realtime PCR technology, for the qualitative detection and differentiation of lineage B-betacoronavirus (B-βCoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) specific RNA. For research use only (RUO)! Not for use in diagnostic procedures.[Italics added]
- Insert from sample COVID testing kit: LightMix® Modular SARS-CoV Assays. Roche continues to monitor the virus, SARS-CoV-2, that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and is pleased to announce the availability of the LightMix Modular Assays used to detect this virus. These assays are for Research Use Only (RUO*) on the LightCycler® 480 and/or cobas z 480 instruments, and Roche is the exclusive distributor for these assays. The MagNA Pure 96 instrument or High Pure Viral Nucleic acid kit can be used for extraction. The three LightMix Modular assays are used to detect the SARS and CoV genes outlined in the table below in human tracheal aspirates or bronchoalveolar lavage samples from individual human donors. These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection. [Italics added]
Open Letter to Bonnie Henry. Live with Dr. Stephen Malthouse talks with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
Great article, I hope the public reads this and that the Health Minister answers it publicly, the public needs to know
This article is an eye opener. Last night while watching the news Dr. Henry was on and I did
make a comment to myself where the heck are these numbers coming from? If have felt
we gave been lied to all along. Thank you Dr. Malthouse for this letter.
Sweden was not locked down because they already have a digital currency so the whole Plandemic was to move us over to a digital currency and nothing to do about your health?
You are absolutely right. Thank you.
A breath of fresh air There is hope from people such as yourself Dr Malthouse Thank you for your contribution for the truth
I admit I didn’t read the entire letter to “Dr.” Bonnie Henry from Dr. Stephen.
So maybe I missed it, but did “Dr.” Bonnie Henry reply to Dr. Stephen
the local doctors were by passed in this exercise we would have thought their input was required because they deal with stuff on a day to day basis they have no political POINTS TO BE MADE and have more knowledge of what is to be gained for the community based on years prior and other flu conditions
So good to hear truth spoken. Thank you.
We need more doctors like this to speak out about the fear campaign over a common virus.
We need local doctors to speak for their areas with political adjenda just factsc
We need local doctors to speak for their areas with political adjenda just facts
Thank you Dr. Malthouse!
Yesterday I got the diagnosis of Acute Leukemia. I am 71 yrs. old. Because of the Covid Plandemic I have lost trust in our medical system. I am sure I do have Leukemia in the early stages and I know it is a terminal illness, but how can I possibly trust a doctor again who complies with the Covid Scenario? I have known the failure of “Big Pharma” for many years, now this? Is there any hope for any one of us unless, of course, you have put your trust in Jesus? He Is Our only hope with everlasting life right around the corner, to those who believe and put their trust in Him, the Only True God.
Sorry to hear about your cancer. I also have cancer stage 4A. In God I trust, God also gave us good Drs. You need to trust them all to get you through this.
I am sorry to hear. I will keep you both in my prayers. Maybe check Chris Wark’s website he gives his testimony and shares strategies outside the medical system.
Dr. Henry is paid to push a narrative that the government approves so don’t blame her…governments love to dazzle us with numbers in order to pretend they are doing something spectacular…Covid 19 is no doubt a serious plague but so are all viruses that threaten the health and welfare of all citizens across the spectrum Governments (especially the current Federal government) use such crises to justify mortgaging future generations in an effort to buy votes…….
what do you say don’t blame her she swore an OATH to do no HARM. Respect your OATH and resign SIMPLE
Thank you so much Dr. Malthouse for bringing the truth about all of this PLANdemic to light. Every person needs to read your letter and decide for themselves if this nonsense is real or just a part of an agenda to gain control over masses of people or should I say sheeple.How can this Dr. B. HENRY sleep at night? She is definitely aware of the damage she has done to the public…..she along with those in control who are guiding her need to be held accountable for their deceit.
thanks for the truth,
Interesting…Dr. Scott Atlas is listed as a “source” or reference for his letter. He is Donald Trump’s physician, and we all know how well things are with covid 19 in the US. As of 5:02 pm, Oct 22, the US has 67,492 new cases of covid today and 868 deaths today…so far. A follow up on The Great Barrington Declaration led to a web site with Rudy Guiliani declaring Hunter Biden’s computer honestly had naughty pictures…blah blah blah. US election rhetoric.
A small excerpt from the below named web site states: “It is not clear how many of the names in the declaration’s list of experts are fake, or when they appeared. However, many scientists have already criticized the letter’s conclusions.”
Be careful what you agree with, people; at least until the US election is over. Just sayin’….
Thank You …
I believe the sources are inaccurate.
bravo! maybe finally people open the eyes and realize that they have been lying all this time!!
great article!
If the dr. doesn’t recommend socI
al distancing -what does work?-SOUNDS STRANGE TO ME….
Sorry Dr so and so – you are akin to Dr Scott Atlas (who you reference – table below from the US CDC…
RT-PCR results – COVID
Studies PMID DESIGN Sensit. Specif.
Huh HJ 2017 28840986 Cross-sectional 0.95 0.95
Go YY 2017 28807812 Cross-sectional 0.96 0.95
Lee JS 2017 28566313 Cross-sectional 0.96 0.98
Huh HJ 2017 27834073 Cross-sectional 0.95 0.95
Yam WC 2005 15797361 Cross-sectional 0.85 0.95
Wang H 2004 15229153 Cross-sectional 0.80 0.95
Poon LL 2004 15135737 Cross-sectional 0.86 0.95
Mahony JB 2004 15070991 Cross-sectional 0.83 0.94
Emery SL 2004 15030703 Cross-sectional 0.95 0.95
Poon LL 2003 12765993 Cross-sectional 0.79 0.98
Yam WC 2003 14532176 Cross-sectional 0.72 0.95
Wu X 2003 12890368 Cross-sectional 0.73 0.95
Poon LL 2003 14522060 Cross-sectional 0.80 0.98
The thirteen studies included in this review were effectively cross-sectional, with no sample size calculation, conducted in a single institution, including a total of 6295 samples taken through nasal and/or oropharynx swab.
English is optional I guess
Irresponsible as a doctor to make this public. His research includes articles from alt right ‘medical professionals’. Public Health is about prevention. Literally. That is their role. Prevent the spread of disease in the community. I’d say…based on our low numbers, but rising numbers essentially everywhere else in the world…Dr Henry and her team are doing a GREAT job. Sorry the global pandemic is causing minor inconvenience to you ?
Also, what an arrogant GP. To presume that he knows better than the life long experts in Public Health because he took an exam 40 years ago? Denman Island has a reputation for being high in “conscientious objecters” to most vaccines so…no surprise their doctor is a quack.
Bravo!! I also agree wholeheartedly that Dr Bonnie Henry is doing a GREAT job at trying to keep people safe!! Wake up people and realize that Drs like Bonnie Henry are the ones keeping the population safe!! There is no reason in the world that any Dr would want to shut down the country!!
Wake up people!! This is not a joke or a hoax or any other ridiculous notion that COVID 19 isn’t real!!
read Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy
If she is doing a great job why force that JAB on the population that don’t want and see NO benefit Experimental Emergency with No emergency in sites
Great letter to Dr. Henry.
FYI, back in 2008 one study of the 1919 Spanish Flu, including Heir Dr. Fauci as a co-contributor, found out that the majority of the deaths (20-50 million estimated globally) WERE NOT DUE TO SPANISH INFLUENZA! The study finds that the majority of deaths were due to BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA!!
It is figured that the big contributor to the bacterial pneumonia may have been the widespread and extended wearing of cloth face coverings and masks. Bacteria entering through the nasal cavity and or the mouth area from bacteria infested face masks/coverings is the logical culprit.
Face masks were NEVER designed to be worn for any extended periods of time. They are not meant to be reused without PROPER CLEANING (WHICH ALMOST NOBODY DOES CLEAN AND DISINFECT PROPERLY) before hand and disposable masks are not designed to be worn, taken off, pocketed and then pulled out to be worn again.
THIS IS ALL MOOT!!! As no credible scientific studies of disposable or cloth face masks prove able to prevent bacteria (which is larger than viruses but smaller than dust, pollen or other materials) and more so viruses from entering the human body or stopping the expelling of bacteria or viruses from an infected person.
Ask the question: did the people who tested positive with the virus wear face masks(obviously prior to being tested)?
Thank to express your knowledge for the GRETTER GOOD of all
Dr. Bonnie Henry is controlled by the Media and telling her what to say.
Thank you for telling the truth
Unbelievable! Why the hell would anyone believe this malarky?!! Dr. Henry is not controlled by the media, she is not doing this to gain anything. Oh wait, she has gained hate mail, death threats, has to have security for protection, her privacy is not respected and she, her staff and family are at risk. Oh that sounds like she has gained so much. For goodness sake, for human lives sake, wear your masks, social distance, don’t have large gatherings, quit your whining or we won’t be celebrating Christmas, we will be mourning more deaths.
For that matter the gov cares about you and wants to keep you safe? So lets get the numbers straight…10k to 11k covid deaths if you believe the accuracy for 2020.. 45,000 deaths on average per YEAR from smoking and second hand smoking related deaths. So the gov can shut the entire fkn economy costing 350 Billion for this year alone and for sure over 100 billion next year and ongoing. My point? 45000 deaths costing 16 billion according to lung assc Canada per YEAR going back decades…so…..uh how about banning smoking? This is all about control end of story. I assure you the gov does Not give 2 fks about your health, if they did re read..
You are clearly part of the problem. Do you remember social studies class back in high-school? Were you paying attention or were you outside getting high..?
Before you get all up tights and out of site Read THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by Robert Kenney he has the same job advising the CONGRESS for 40 years he mislead 7 PRESIDENTS. Is that NOT a reason to believe she could be doing the same by not knowing by mistakes . Now the whole world know that those JAB are dangerous if she don’t know that cause she refuse to see.
Dr Reiner Feullmich,consumer protection trial lawyer is part of a group of four trial lawyers who have formed the German Corona Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee. They are investigating and prosecuting those responsible for implementing devastating lockdowns around the world as well as using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic.
One of the statements in this video: “The PCR test inventor Kary Mullis has repeatedly yet unsuccessfully stressed that this test should NOT be used as a diagnostic tool
The above letter seems to be on track with the findings of the inquiry. Dr Henry surely needs to consider all the facts. Not just the ones she is told by those who think they are in charge.
The video can be viewed at
Well I know which Dr. I would never see and its not Dr. Bonnie. What a bunch of BS from this Denman Island doc. Using U.S malarkey to fear monger. Great, another conspiracy theorist who’s license should be revoked….
Please why do you think Lawyer Rocco Galati is suing her just for fun ????
It doesn’t pay to be a skeptic, it costs. Whatever you suspect to be true or untrue, it takes all your time to chase down facts, opinions, counter-opinions, and try to assess them all. I try to gain a sense of what the writer is trying to prove, and whether the discussion shows any sign of trying to at least consider contrary points of view. I think Dr. Stephen Malthouse took a particular position many months ago based on prior experience, but largely based on attitude towards authority. Dr. Henry has always erred on the side of caution, but has shown many signs of thoughtful appraisal of the best information out there. One must remember that Sweden’s approach is based on what can be expected from Swedes, who are already past masters at social distancing. Nevertheless, their authorities have been criticized for forgetting about cultural minorities, who’ve been hit hardest. This letter is hardly a confidence-inspiring thorough discussion.
A contrary point of view in a life and death situation is a joke. I thank you Dr. Stephen Malthouse for using his experience on our behalf looking how she was acting with our life .He believe she was in a COMA and he did is best to shake her out of and I see that his letter was a success informing so many people with 1 letter i RAZE MY HAT FOR YOU SIR.
Excellent article.
I really hope more people are willing to speak about these facts.
Thank you for your willingness to be criticized in this divisive time. The comments show me, yet again how indignant and entitled those who disagree and believe in this fake pandemic have become. Rude comments about conspiracy theorist and other insults. On par with the attitude in general people have had towards anyone who questions the mainstream narrative.
THANK YOU TO YOU TO FOR BELIEVING THAT WE ARE NOT ALL BLIND you call it fake pandemic me that fake PLANDEMIC probably 10 years in the making
Are you really that obtuse to be one of the many that still don’t get the point of the masks?
They aren’t being worn to stop the bacteria. They ARE being worn to reduce the distance that the droplets ? expelled when we talk/sneeze/cough.
Are they 100% effective? No. But its a barrier.
I was at my family doctors office a week ago to get a flu shot. My doctor gave me his opinion on flu shots covid masks etc . It was odd to hear the logic that he was more than willing to share. I wont go into detail but suffice to say he would agree with this doctors letter to Dr Henry. Even my flu shot was a topic. He said because im older and being treated for cancer my getting a flu shot was a good idea. Healthy people of any age dont need flu shots. (his opinion). He made a lot of sense as does the author of the letter.
This article doesn’t address the ongoing problem. I appears to be written for the masses that I face everyday as I as a senior go out into the world. They in droves go about without masks and my thoughts are there a lot of trumpetts out there. Just my thoughts on this most serious time. My thanks to Bonnie Henry
Dr. Malthouse is using specious alt-right sources to reference his statements. He has a history of doing this before with unsubstantiated statements like, “There is no doubt that homeopathy works” when writing an ungracious letter to the Toronto Sun in response to Dr. Joe Schwarcz (PhD. McGill University) attacks on homeopathy. See:
He never stack her just a WAKE-up call we are doctors too you can’t fool us you fool the sheep we don’t like that
Many inaccuracies in this Physician’s letter! Sweden saw significant deaths in their elderly population.. and Sweden is not through the pandemic yet. Yes, Pandemic.. this Family Doctor clearly does not understand the definition of “pandemic”. I find it interesting and very annoying that a Family Doctor professes to be an expert on issues related to Public Health. Would you or I take his advice on how to perform cardiac bypass surgery?! Also note that the paper this article is published in is an anti vaccine platform. Many of the references cited are snippets from unfounded news sources. In all, a letter that is filled with inaccuracies from a “Doctor” who professes to be an expert on the subject. Complete “malarky” as another reader noted!
Dr. Henry is not the only expert that Dr. Malthouse has criticized. I wouldn’t reference to TRUMP’s Dr if I wanted credibility. Dr Henry has nothing to gain for spreading mis-information on Covid 18. She has many years of experience in the disease field. I am sure being an intelligent female gets to some men. Get over it.
Hard to get over it when people dying by the millions
I’m wondering, are actions taken by bc gov Dr. Bonnie’s personal, is not there a group of doctors, how about cdc? – it is an institution not an individual. What about those people who have lost their family members? One country that could control Covid 19 without lock down is not an example, it is exception.
Dr. Malthouse should replace Dr. Henry.
Look into the risks of wearing a face mask:
Bacterial pneumonia, lack of oxygen, cancer, still births, and more…..
Why does Bonnie keep talking about a vaccine, and not vitamin D, C, and zinc, etc.?
Hey Snowflakes, why don’t you take your toxic face diaper off and square that circle?
Peace out.
I don’t think so he sure don’t look like a PUPPET
What a GREAT idea trading a BUNNY for a COUGAR
A supporter of Dr Atlas? Let’s use Vitamin D? He doesn’t even have his facts on Sweden correct. You’re a GP stay in your lane. Just bc you’re a Dr doesn’t make you right.
This is the classic runaway trolley problem – there is no plan where everyone lives to be 100.
My goal is not to argue which science paper does not have enough peer review, or which drug has not had randomized testing, or which country did it right. My goal is to have numerate people drill down into the available data and think critically. I don’t make the same request of my mother-on-law, even though she is pretty smart. Scientists and engineers in BC understand numbers – we have no excuse when it comes to asking ourselves what is the truth and removing our own biases.
I can discuss the details if you want, but it will all be my opinion, and I am not a epidemiology expert. We will just go down a rabbithole, and we will each walk away muttering “the data is not clear and some other people are doing critical thinking wrong.”
So, back to the trolley problem. We are not in charge, but we can try to understand what is the ethical solution. My goal is the “try”. The government follows the people’s lead, eventually.
Why do I think I am right? After 9/11, the western world was ready to bomb Afghanistan back into the stone age. I even had arguments about this immoral decision with my family. They are Mennonite, and claim to be pacifists, but they have all these reasons (warlords, treatment of Muslim women, etc) why is was good and proper to bomb Afghanistan. I could see I was different than normal people. The same thing happened with Iraq and Saddam. Now, everyone agrees the government completely lied to us. But 99% of us wanted them do kill these people! The government discerned what we wanted, and was happy to give it to use, when it also served their purposes. Being right and different than the crowd in the past has given me some arrogance. I apologize for some of that.
So, to the trolley problem. My belief is that our overreaction will kill more people than the virus will – 5X – 10X more people. If we measure in “years of lives lost”, it will cause 30X-60X more damage. I can go into details of my calculations, but understand they are my calculations. My goal is always to get the closest to the truth. So, I think we have decided to pull the wrong lever, and switch the unbraked trolley toward the track that has the larger crowd with the younger people.
Why are “we” doing this? As scientists and engineers know, from an production system or organization, the parameter that gets measured gets controlled. They know from your experience that this is true. We are daily being given accurate (or accurate looking) numbers of numbers of case, and numbers of COVID deaths. The number of postponed cancer diagnoses is a much less accurate number, as is the number of deaths that will come due to starvation, or derailed careers on those who are not the best and brightest, or people close to suicide. But numerate people know how to estimate in the presence of inaccurate numbers. If my estimate that the crowd around the other trolley track is 10X larger and much younger is inaccurate, that estimate still has error bars. and at 10X, we can make a statement whether one crowd is likely to be large and younger. But the news feeds us only one number, because it seems accurate, it is journalistically easy to get, there are news-ready stories attached to that number. The parameter than gets measured, gets controlled.
The professional public health people have done these calculations previously, before that baying crowd called for something to be done. But they threw the calculations out, because this “pandemic” is “unprecedented”. It is not unprecedented. Depending on how you measure, similar epidemics have happened 3 or 4 times in my lifetime (my calculation, therefore my opinion, make your own best unbiased calculation).
You can ask: What should “we” do differently? What is your plan, Sir? Should we follow government advice?
Well, the “we” part is not up to me. I can only do what I believe to be the ethical thing to do. So, my only advice is for each person to ask themselves “If you drilled down and came to your own opinion that 6X more people will die on this trolley track, it is as if you are currently in later 1930’s Germany. (Yes, I am going there, because I think that is the right scale.) What kind of person do you believe you are and what would you have done in 1930s Germany?” After the war, people said “but we did not know! They hid it all from us!” But they probably saw that the Jewish jewelry store where they bought their wedding ring had graffiti, and then was closed down. And they heard from their friend that there were people being loaded onto trains in the trainyard where he worked. And they thought to themselves, as we are now, because it makes us feel better about the current situation, they said to themselves that our government is doing what is best because we are a civilized people. I will follow the government.
See, I am not coming up with a plan for us all to get our pitchforks out, and go get Bonnie. I am laying a heavy burden on you personally (and I am sorry if that causes discomfort or unease, but it is the ethical thing to do.)
Today, we have the internet, we have spreadsheets, we can find raw data. Any one of us can get information the epidemiologist of the past would have dreamed of. We have no excuse. 10-20 years from now, it may be generally believed (unless we also allow history to be re-written – again, this part is also in our hands) that this was a terrible thing to do. Do you want to say “I had the means and the opportunity to not look away, but I did not have the ethics.”?
My response to this Why let the scientists change SCIENCE with a LYING version of the real FACTS ???
I feel I am being manupilated by the powers that be and have no voice to say “NO””. There is something afoot here in our life and I do not want to be part of whatever the govt is promoting . I do not trust the source of the directives being given to our heads of state, our medical advisories, or even the debacle of the most powerful man on Earth, the sitting president, President Trump.
Dr. Bonnie Henry, I have a message for you, too. People DO die. It’s a fact of life, no less normal or natural than being born. And when they die, it’s not your fault. You don’t have to shut down all relevant life in a misguided attempt to try and prevent all COVID (or mistakenly diagnosed “COVID”) deaths. Please recognize that your misguided, ill-informed policies are killing more people than you are saving from COVID. Get over yourself. See the bigger picture. And stop acting like you are ALL POWERFUL to prevent ALL death from COVID (or the flu or whatever this is).
What a GOOD message you have if she don’t come out of her COMA with this we are all in trouble not just the JAB one
To: Dr Stephen Malthouse
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to see your open letter! I was just about to write something similar to Dr. Henry, as I have been harassing BCCDC and Health BC for the links to the studies that you so wonderfully just provided. Thank you!
I do not hold any position of authority, and work everyday in general carpentry in Victoria. I have spent a tremendous amount of time researching this supposed pandemic and have really learned a lot about the truth behind the mandates, virology, how vaccines are made, XMRV’s, the 1986 act that removed liability from the pharmaceutical companies, agenda 2030, etc, etc…God help us if we cannot find the critical mass to shift the paradigm, but I want you to know there are average guys like me out here fighting tooth and nail to protect all of our Charter Rights and to help usher in a new age of medicine, health, and true transparency in government, so that we can hopefully earn back our place as a free and democratic society that is a shining example for the world. I have preparted a handout that directs individual and organizations to London Real, which is a free, uncensored, unedited, media platform where long form conversations with eminent people in the fields of molecular biology, virology, law, etc, can be found. Truth has a frequency, and I distribute as many of those handouts as I can every day. I talk to every person I can while respecting their freedom of belief. I act as a source for information and try to keep my opinions to myself…as much as I can, lol.
If there is any way that I can be of assistance through any networks that you may have…I am at your disposal, and will do everything I can to help allow the truth to be heard.
Derek J. Kehr
Victoria, BC
DEREK if you go for truth you can email me some of your stuff fr*******@li**.com
Hi Doc.
Did you receive a reply from Bonnie? Great letter by the way.
Read the letter you published of Dr. Stephen Malthouse I praise you for it
Dr.Henry passes her law 2nd doses vaccine 4 months later
2nd doses vaccine Pfizer suggest it shouldn’t be later than their recommendation of 28 to 31 days
Dr.Fauci said the same should not be delayed Any
2nd doses
I am a senior all my family is in the Usa and I have consulted several specialist doctors in the Usa in my group of friends and they are all laughing at us here in Canada with the delay in procuring the vaccine and now this new rule that Dr Bonnie Henry. Thinks she is the expert in deciding that
We get the second doses 4 months after the first not 30 days as suggested by the vaccine experts
I wonder if DR.Henry .Her Husband … .Adrian Dix.. prime minister Trudeau Premiere Hogan and all the elite members of government gave up their second doses to be vaccinated 4 months later instead of on time so more people could be vaccinated ….Of course not This is a real disgrace
My brother was one of the lucky ones spared from little mountain assisted living which was majorly neglected by staff and the Government where 41 residents out of 116 died ….he was one of the 17 Who did not get covid And got vaccinated in .December and received their second doses 31 days later ….
And because he and the others received their second doses on time not 4 months later It saved their lives.
You have my permission if you want to publish this in your news letter.
Thank you
Myrtle MacPhee
The 4 months for the second SHOT the reason Your are declare vaccinated 14 days alter your second shot . In that window there will be millions getting 1 shot 2 shots boosters .But they will all be call UNVACCINATED. I am I wrong where are the EXPERTS