December 30, 2020

David Icke reads an email, dated October 10, 2020, written by an unidentified person who claims to be on several high-level committees of Canada’s Liberal party. He revealed a ‘roadmap’ from the Strategic Planning Committee steered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that is plan to phase in secondary lockdowns in November 2020, rush the acquisition of isolation facilities across every province by December 2020, predict the surge of new Covid-19 cases in November 2020, mandate even more strict new lockdowns in December or January, and transform the unemployment program into a Universal Basic Income program by the end of the first quarter of 2021. The roadmap includes a new virus, named Covid-21, to appear in February, 2021, leading to an even higher mortality rate. Icke says the government plans to offer UBI, which will be a pittance, in return for citizen total obedience. [That these things are actually happening in sequence and on schedule adds credibility to the authenticity of the email. By the way, we must not forget that an announced mortality rate is not necessarily the same as a true mortality rates.] -GEG
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