Producer of Hunger Games from David Icke website HERE

More Videos by John Paul Rice HERE







  1. Michael,

    What is your source that he is the Producer of Hunger Games?

    Seems like Fake News so would be curious to see the editorial/journalistic path you took to this conclusion.

    • Go to IMDB and you can see photos to verify. Start believing this wickedness exists but do not try to put yourself in their shoes because it is not possible. 99.9% of humankind cannot possibly conceive this wickedness.

      • IMDB doesn’t list him as the producer. The very site you cite to support your lie.

        You think the photos are better evidence? Do they show him producing the movie? Of course not.

        What a joke. He’s not the producer. Not sure why it’s so important to you to make him part of the Hollywood elites. I thought they were bad.

        Thanks for doubling down on the Fake News.

        Why don’t you start face checking the X22 predictions instead of mindlessly aggregating that content here everyday.

        Fake News Mr. Easton. You could have maintained a little credibility on such a simple mistake.

        • You really have no clue do you? You are ignorant to facts. Every single word he says is verifiable. Stop being such a lazy ass & go look for yourself! You disgust me!

        • I did find websites that mention that he worked on the films he talks about. Maybe not listed as a producer but who really knows how Hollywood lists credits. This was not fake.

    • I followed him on interviews. He talks about this. He is NOT a producer, but worked with Joseph and was a contributor. He DID produce others films, low budget, but several good ones. That being said, after listening to to interviews I believe he is legit. He seems to really be compelled to expose this evil against our Children.

    • One who knows to much ,ends up suicide ( accidentally),,the red shoes made of child skin,children of the tunnels,well they found the tunnel..don’t here to much about the tunnel and all the dead children they found,,,well news media black out,true I’d say so,they still kidnapped children in the Philippines- body parts are worth a fortune,is this guy telling the truth I sure do believe so,,go ask judge Roberts ,he’s been to eipstiens island few times

    • “John Paul Rice began his film career in Georgia working on Jerry Bruckheimer’s Remember the Titans (2000) starring Denzel Washington and We Were Soldiers (2002), starring Mel Gibson.

      In 2001, John landed a position at the Los Angeles film finance, sales and production company Senator International, a US division of Senator Films [DE] (which later became Mandate Pictures) led by industry veteran Joseph Drake (The Hunger Games, Juno, The Grudge, Harold and Kumar…). Under Joe’s leadership, John developed an interest in producing independent feature films.”

  2. John Paul Rice is the guy in the video, he is easy to look up. The movie he talks of is available to watch in various places. His credentials are credible.

  3. He’s not the producer of the Hunger Games.

    Care to dispute that point?

    I asked a very specific question, and nothing in what you said addresses it.

    S do you agree or disagree that he is the producer of Hunger Games?

  4. I’m not disputing he is the person in the video.

    I’m specifically disputing the claim that he is the producer of Hunger Games.

    S. nothing in your reply addresses what I said.

    • Zebb / Neil and others – you are correct.
      John Paul Rice is not a producer of the Hunger Games. In this video, he clearly does not claim to be a producer. The title for this video is clearly wrong; maybe a misfortunate sentence; maybe it was intentional to attempt to give him more credibility. Though if you listen to what John Paul Rice says; starting at 0:32, he states that he “worked under the producers” of various movies; including the Hunger Games. The words used for title of this video are not John Paul Rice’s words. David Icke on the other hand is a well known conspiracy theorist.

  5. This guy did not produce The Hunger Games. If you look up any of the movies in the series, his name is not part of the production team- let alone him being ‘the’ producer. His film industry credits on the IMDB database also do not include The Hunger Games.
    However… in Conspiracy World, credibility is not a criteria for believability. What counts is a good rant that targets all of the usual boogeymen… Soros, Gates, Hollywood… whatever.

  6. You sound so smart. Funny you just seem to know that this is conspiracy theory without doing your own research. Just because you dont see his name anywhere doesn’t mean he isn’t a co producer. And frankly that has very little to do with whether or not what he’s saying about hollywood and the elites is true.

  7. Detractors expected. Pedos pedo defenders and deniers are in every area those who yell conspiracy theory attack messenger rather than address message.

  8. I for one don’t believe my lying eyes so I just listened to the man who never said he was the producer of The hunger games. He said he worked under the producers and listed a number of films like Juno and then the hunger games when they went to lionsgate. So what I heard him say is he worked under the producers of The hunger games when they went to lionsgate. If you dare risking your mind to be blown and you’re hard to be broken watch his movie on child sex slave trafficking. There are several on the subject. The first one that I was aware of was back in the 80s that was pulled from CBS the day before the documentary was going to be aired. at that time it had to do with the trafficking of children from boys Town!!! And as a side note… One of the primary reasons the elite have such Non-Stop vitriol against President Trump has to do with his nine pieces of legislation and commission he formed to battle international child trafficking.

  9. Sharon Kline, E

    If his background doesn’t matter, why lie about it?

    Nobody is attacking the messenger. They are questioning the explicit false claim that he is the producer of the Hunger Games. He’s not. He’s not a co producer. He has nothing to do with the movie.

    Considering people like you always rail against Hollywood elites, you sure want this guy to be one

    It’s a lie by Michael Easton, he knows it. It matters to him, and you all seem to love the lie.

    If you want his claims to be taken seriously, don’t make patently false claims about the messenger.

    • If you listen carefully to what John Paul Rice states, he says he worked under producers affiliated with the various movies he mentions, including the Hunger Games at one point, “when they went back into Lionsgate”. He does not claim to be a producer of the Hunger Games. This is a generalization, perhaps a stretch or misrepresentation, in this article of his affiliation with the producers. Movies today can have as many as 10 producers. I wouldn’t let this keep you from understanding and acting on what the video presents. Many such generalizations, inaccuracies, misattributions, exaggerations and misrepresentations exist in our world. Sort out and correct what is in error, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    • Are you a pedo? You seem intent on claiming he said he was a producer when he actually said he worked under the producer of these films. Me thinks you protest too much!

  10. Zebb, did you research all the info John Paul Rice referred to in his video as vehemently as you researched his title and career? Makes me wonder about what you do for a living and what your recreational habits are. Interesting and scary how you are so defensive of the elite and all you took away from this was how John Paul Rice is not a producer or coproducer or blah blah blah…

  11. May God bless you for speaking out about the horrific crimes against children. I thank God everyday for people like you willing to speak the truth about Hollywood and the music industry. It’s pure satanic evil, Thank you. ❤️?

  12. People are completely missing the point. It’s not about who produced the Hunger Games. It’s about what is going on and has been going on for years. Stop babbling about the producer of the movie. Wake up people he is telling you the real truth. Wake the F up!!

  13. Hello all, I appreciate the comments and those who care about this issue, the children. I am NOT “THE” or “A” producer on The Hunger Games. Several of you have accurately pointed this fact out and also listened to the words I used. When I made this video, I never in my life believed it would be seen by millions and did not rehearse any of the content from those 38 minutes. It was flow. I spoke from the heart of everything I knew from both experience, research and learned from my fellow colleagues in the industry.

    I worked at Senator International which later became Mandate Pictures, working under Joseph Drake, who was a mentor to me while executive producing Harold & Kumar, The Grudge, Juno, Stranger Than Fiction and a few years later The Hunger Games. In 2008, I produced my first feature film One Hour Fantasy Girl and established No Restrictions Entertainment where I’ve independently produced 7 feature films over 11 years.

    I put together a 2 page document that lists all of the open source materials cited in my video so that others can do their own research and decide for themselves. Please download and share as you feel necessary.

    I hope this world opens up to a healing message, one that places emphasis on the foundation of all society, our children whose future is today and every day going forward.

    Keep walking forward in faith with love in your heart and the world around you will begin to change.

    Much love,
    John Paul Rice
    Producer, A Child’s Voice

    Here is a link to a document I put together

  14. May God bless you sir as he does with all his messengers who have the courage to sound his trumpets. Your place in God’s house is secure.