(Biden gave his first prime time address on Thursday night, declaring that all American adults would be able to have their first vaccine dose by May 1)


By Kayla Brantley


March 12, 2021

President Biden addressed the nation Thursday night and made some claims that weren’t entirely true.

In his speech, Biden claimed that Covid-19 has taken more American lives ‘than World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined.’

According to the CDC, 527,726 Americans have so far died from coronavirus – a number that is less than the 580,000 lives lost during the events mentioned by Biden.

Throughout the 24 minute address, Biden touted his administration’s vaccine rollout and made misleading claims of the timeliness of Trump’s response to the virus and the number of vaccines the former president’s administration ordered.

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  1. Poor POTUS Biden, he looks and acts more confused every time I see him .

    He need not worry though it will not be long before Kamala takes over as POTUS, she
    will for sure make everything better .