FILE PHOTO: Vials with a sticker reading, "COVID-19 / Coronavirus vaccine / Injection only" and a medical syringe are seen in front of a displayed AstraZeneca logo in this illustration taken October 31, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping It Real…

March 14, 2021

Every time BC Health Minister Adrian Dix and Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry hold a media briefings on the latest Covid numbers, they both solemnly express condolences to the families and friends of the latest victims who have died from the virus.

If they are truly sincere, and not just delivering platitudes and political rhetoric, they’ll SUSPEND any use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for anyone … until we know it is TOTALLY safe!!

Sunday, Ireland joined the growing list of countries that have done exactly that. The move came after Norway reported FOUR MORE incidents of “serious blood clotting in adults after taking the vaccine”, according to CTV News.

(You can read the entire report here: http://of serious blood clotting in adults after taking the vaccine.

After the first reports of people developing blood clots (which could prove fatal), health officials and company spokespersons suggested it COULD be just a coincidence or it COULD be just a problem with one batch of the vaccine.

And Canadian “leaders” and health officials were quick to point out that Canada’s use and pending arrivals of additional AZ supply would be coming from India not Europe, where the problems arose.

Then came word the clotting problems had arisen after use of DIFFERENT batches from DIFFERENT AstraZeneca plants … so there could indeed be a much more serious problem.

So last week, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Italy, Latvia and Finland suspended use of AstraZeneca until the truth is known.

Even though AstraZeneca officials insist there is “no evidence” of a link between their vaccine and the blood clotting problems.

BC and Canada MUST not take chances!

Human lives may literally be at stake.

Public safety is much more important than pushing up the numbers of those vaccinated.

Until it can independently and scientifically/clinically be PROVEN there is no link between the clotting and the vaccine, BC and Canada MUST suspend the use of AstraZeneca!

Harv Oberfeld