
The Gateway Pundit

March 16, 2021

(Natural News) Communist China is petitioning the World Health Organization (WHO) to let it build a global “vaccine passport” surveillance system, which the authoritarian regime claims it could have up and running in a matter of a week if given the green light.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has already set up a vaccine passport system within China, which ties directly into its social credit score system.

Residents of China who get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are able to travel and conduct business as “normal” within the system, while those who have not been jabbed are barred from such activities until they agree to get injected.

Numerical “scores” are given to Chinese residents based on their cooperation with the regime’s agenda. If the CCP approves of your behavior, then you are given a higher “score.” If you say bad things about the regime, then your score is decreased.

China’s goal is to expand this system of governance and control worldwide. Those who get vaccinated for the Chinese virus will receive a vaccine passport “stamp” allowing them to board trains and airplanes, while those who reject the jab will be told to stay home.

The WHO has specifically instructed member nations not to construct such a system because vaccine availability is not yet “equitable.” Communist China, however, is defying the WHO and pushing for global adoption of its vaccine passport system.

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