
March 17, 2021

(Natural News) Since January 20th, we’ve known the Biden “presidency” has been completely faked, but we haven’t had smoking gun proof of the fakery… until now.

A video, posted by Bloomberg’s Quicktake video channel and covered by InfoWars, appears to show Joe Biden walking toward a group of reporters and telling them he has no plans to visit the border.

But the video reveals an obvious video layer compositing error when the hands of the virtual Joe Biden appear in front of microphones which are supposed to be in the foreground of the frame. In video editing, this is a newbie compositing error that results when the video editing person fails to mask out the microphones in the foreground, causing the fake Joe Biden (who is supposed to be several feet away) to seemingly magically have hands that “phase” over the microphones.

Read More and Watch Video HERE