One Mans Opinion

March 19, 2021
Good Day,

We hear a lot about Ambulance and Paramedic staffing shortages, delays in service, dangerous situations, etc., almost hourly, yet I have not heard one question from media asking the Health Minister, the Union, or anyone else of authority the following question or two .
Why the shortage of staff ? How can we all of a sudden not have staff for about a third of the ambulances ?
What has happened to one third of the staff ? Have they vanished much like the Salmon or could there be another explanation ? Could approximately a third of them be recently retired ? Have a third of the staff moved on, changed jobs and gone off to become a voice of “Woke” conscience at CKNW ? Or might there be a huge number of staff off on leave for sickness, stress leave, anxiety, or any other affliction ?

I would like to hear the union rep asked some of these questions so the Tax Payer has an idea of what the root cause is, why can we not staff ambulances ?
My guess is at least one third of staff are calling in sick or taking stress leave and the Tax Payer should know .
IMHO Media is all too often working for the staff of ambulance and paramedics and not being balanced and getting to the bottom of several questions listed above .

Yes, we want the “Great Unwashed” to be safe and get a response from Ambulances as soon as possible but frankly I believe that the union, the staff, the government needs to be transparent and explain to the Tax Payer exactly what is taking place .

My Accountant tells me I for one already pay Income Taxes, Corporate Taxes, Property Tax several properties in three different municipalities, gas tax, carbon tax, gas tax, sales tax, amounting to close to $ 2 Million Dollars a year, as you might be aware many pay less but still pay a large part of their earned wages to various levels of governments and some pay more than I do, I do not think any of them/us want to fund an increase of staffing for Ambulance and Paramedics that amounts to say 50% of an increase in staffing levels so some are able to book off say 25 – 35% of the time on sick or stress leave .

Come on people let’s see and hear someone ask the tough questions of Government, Dix, and the Ambulance Paramedics Union, the Great Unwashed is begging for answers .

Where is Bruce Allen when WE need him ?
Hey wait a minute, the “New Bruce” and his “Moment of of colour” or whatever his segment is titled can get to the bottom of this if anyone can, the trouble is after listening to his segment once I quit listening so I will not hear him if he does provide the Great Unwashed an answer to this most important question or two .

As Joe Biden might say thinking about the questions I have asked, “C’mon Man, I know you can ask the tough questions” !!

“No Joke” !!

Enjoy the day !!


BTW – BCTF Members along with Truck Drivers, Bus Drivers, Retail, ALL First Responders, should go right to the front of the line for

Covid Vaccine with the over 80’s. it is only common sense . I am not a fan of BCTV and my 31 year old son attended Vancouver College

Catholic Boys School but Teachers need the Jab and they need it now . As stated I am no fan of the BCTF at the best of times, there is far too much indoctrination of students and not enough learning but having said that it is only common sense that they get the Jab !!

Let’s be honest here, government and health authorities have spent more time arguing with the BVCTF than what it would have taken to actually get Jabs in the arms of the BCTF .

Did I miss anything ?





  1. Why work when you can get paid to not work by a labour government.

    This is an experimental vaccine being used on humans. Think medical experiments. Think Nuremberg Trials.
    Still think certain people should be forced to take it?

  2. Maybe Horgan will pass a law making sick pay mandatory for every worker in British Columbia. The only businesses that will remain open are those that employ workers with a conscience. Teachers , firefighters police nurses will now be joined at home by baristas grocery clerks gas station attendants garbage men window washers you name it. Maybe we can double down with a guaranteed income as well. Ah come on John