
March 18, 2021

(Natural News) Back in December, Harrison Deal, a young staffer who worked for former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, died in what the mainstream media described as “a car crash.” According to attorney Sidney Powell, though, Deal was actually murdered.

During a recent appearance on “The Right Side” with Doug Billings, Powell explained that the alleged crash “was no car accident” at all, but rather a planned assassination.

“He was vaporized by whatever the explosion was,” Powell told Billings and viewers. “Some people who know more about it than I do tell me it had to have been thermite to have triggered a fireball such as happened in that car.”

Thermite, by the way, appears to have been the explosive material that was used to bring down the World Trade Center (WTC) towers on 9/11.

Powell further revealed that a Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent who was investigating Deal’s death also turned up dead “by a gunshot wound to the head within a week.”