The Daily Expose

April 17, 2021

The UK Government have released their 11th report on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 “vaccines” reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme using data inputted from the 9th December 2020 up to the 5th April 2021. With it came the announcement that they are now 100% confident that the Covid “vaccines” are safe for use in pregnant women. This is an extremely dangerous announcement based on no scientific evidence, with evidence to the contrary as we’ll reveal in our analysis of the 11th report.

Up to the 5th April the UK Government and MHRA claim an estimated 11 million first doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and 20.6 million first doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered. They also claim around 4.4 million second doses of the Pfizer jab had been administered and 1 million second doses of the Oxford University / AstraZeneca jab had been administered. This represents an increase of 1.2 million first doses and 1.8 million second doses on the previous week.

The current rate according to the UK Government and MHRA of people suffering an adverse reaction to one of the jabs stands at 1 in every 166 people. However it is thought around only 1% of people actually report an adverse reaction to the Yellow Card scheme so the rate is most likely significantly higher. (You can report an adverse reaction to the Covid gene therapy jabs here)

What we’re about to reveal from the data shown in the 11th report is astounding, disturbing and extremely concerning. This is what we found…

(We used the data shown in the UK Governments Analysis Print of the Pfizer vaccine {which you can find here} + Analysis Print of the Oxford Vaccine {which you can find through the link below


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