by Brad Saltzberg

April 18, 2021

From the day Justin Trudeau became prime minister, Cultural Action Party of Canada has sensed that a “cult-like” atmosphere surrounds his leadership.

Climate change, carbon taxation–you name the Liberal government mandate, and it is shot-through with political dogma. Such as it is within the world of Covid vaccinations.

Everyone must get two shots of the pandemic remedy. Pfizer, Astrazeneca, J & J— just “shut up and get the jab,” intimates Justin Trudeau. According to establishment media, there has never been a case of a person who died as a result of the injection.

Ours is not to question any aspect of the vaccination agenda. If one does so, they are indulging in a “conspiracy theory.” Never mind that the post-vaccine circumstances in no way provide immunity from catching Covid. Cast aside the thought that receiving a vaccine opens no doors to a change in pandemic-related lifestyle.

Government, media, academia– all are dedicated to the cult of Covid. It should come as no surprise that CAP has some “alternate” opinions on the matter.

One thought cannot fail to creep into our consciousness– the idea that the failure of Justin Trudeau’s Covid inoculation program is intentional.

Outrageous, eh? No matter the perspective, we steadfastly claim that Canada is unique in its pandemic experience. Unlike the impact on other nations, Covid has a defined political purpose within our society.

READ MORE: Pandemic Is A “Hardship Given From Allah” Says Canadian Media