One Mans Opinion
April 20, 2021
Good Morning,
Immigration/Migration is a very important topic of discussion, especially for countries like the U.S., , Canada, the UK, and the EU, we can see examples all over the EU of how Immigration/Migration without thought and proper controls can lead to a catastrophic disaster where countries that are so welcoming actually lose control of their borders, their rule of law, and in fact lose every cultural identity they once had .
Countries and their whole way of life are being changed forever and we in Canada need to learn from that or we are doomed to repeat, we must do better when it comes to immigration/migration or we will soon find ourselves in the same position as the EU .
Canadians need to contact all elected officials especially our Federal MP’s and the Canadian Prime Minister and let each and every one of them know just how important it is for Canadians to feel safe and actually be safe in their homes and while out on the street going about their business .
Canada should immediately change their Immigration/Migration policy and make the following groups FIRST when it comes to being welcomed to Canada .
Canada should concentrate on offering Safe Haven and Landed Immigration Status to Jewish people from the EU where they are being harassed, assaulted, and killed virtually every day of the year, Canada must also welcome Jewish People and Minority Christians from the Middle East and Africa where both groups are being harassed attacked, tortured, and killed virtually every day of the year, we in Canada need to act now before thousands more Jewish People and Minority Christians are tortured and killed by “Extremists” in any given country .
Jewish people are fleeing the EU to seek Safe Haven in Israel let’s also offer them “Safe Haven” in Canada, the Jewish People and Minority Christians of whom I speak deserve a safe peaceful productive life, we need to step up and do everything we can to welcome many from both groups to Canada before it is too late, they deserve much better than what they are getting from the Leadership EU or African Nations .
I find it absolutely horrifying and disgusting that not many media outlets are doing any reporting on any of the attacks, torturing and killing of Jews and Minority Christians in so many different countries, many of which actually consider themselves safe countries, countries that respect all people when in fact they all in one way or another ignore the assaults, torture, and executions of so many thousands of innocent people while literally turning a blind eye .
What our Canadian Political Masters are doing in the way of Immigration/Migration in Canada is UNJUST, it is not working, and we are setting the Canadian people up for Disaster !! Canadians cannot and should not be exposed to the DANGERS of the problems of BAD Migration that the good people of the EU are facing each and every day of the Year !~!~ Canadians deserve better from their Political Masters !! It is time that “Top Mensa Member and Canadian PM Justin was forced to consider the well beings of Canadians before anyone else and that can be accomplished by offering Safe Haven to Jewish People and Minority Christians .
Disgusting !!
Oh, and just one quick question for you .
Just exactly what do you think Joe Biden and the next POTUS Kamal will do about any of this ?
Read Em and Weep !!
Are Jewish people likely to vote for Trudeau?
There in lies the problem.
O’Toole has taken the Conservatives to the left.
Are Jewish people likely to vote for a left leaning conservative that wears women’s red shoes?
Maxime Bernier and the PPC are the ones most likely to care about the Jewish people.
The question is:
Do you care about Max and the PPC?
I have said it before and I will say it again, Max has absolutely NO chance and more than anything I believe Canadians first responsibility is to defeat the PM Justin Liberals .
To vote for Max will simply split the centre right vote and that is simply stupid .
O’Toole like Scheer is not the best but it is ONLY O’Toole that has a chance to win and of people cannot grasp that fact I cannot help them .
Defeat the Liberals then make the changes desired . How many decades DO YOU actually have to sit back and wait for Max to win an election ? Are you kidding ?
Sound logic and common sense will take on far in life, wasting time trying to get Max elected before your one hundred and twenty third birthday is a waste of time .
Facts DO matter, time for Max supporters to face those facts .
Max cannot do anything for Canada when the only seat he holds is the cheap fold up picnic chair seat he carries in the back of his Subaru .
Poly – BTW
Frankly I do not care who Jews or Christians vote for I simply feel Jews in the EU, Africa, or the Middle East along with Minority Christians from the ME and Africa ate a better fit when considering immigrants for Canada than what the EU has done which is/has destroyed many EU Nations Economies, Cultures, and Rule of Law .
I must also point out that my personal politics is probably more aligned with Max BUT I strongly believe it is most important to defeat the PM Justin Libs and Max could not get elected Dog Catcher at this point and I am sick and tired of waiting for the Libs to be defeated, NO split votes .
The Conservatives are no longer centre right.
They are not the solution, just part of the problem.
News Flash !
You and Max and his Golden Doodle are going to be very lonely, Max will not even come close to winning his own riding and he will not reach Official Party Status .
One good thing though Poly, there will be a lot of room in your Caucus Room and meals will be cheap .
Come 0n Poly, some times we just need to face facts, facts do matter .
I am soaking wet in math, physics, and chemistry all day, every day, eventually we all must understand and realize that just wishing and hoping for something does not make it so .
Do you agree that the Conservatives are now centre left under The Toole?
Great to see you back here!
Have you changed your mind on ‘forcing’ certain people in Canada to be vaccinated by an experimental vaccine?
I will not go on here but I can tell you that you will more than likely not like very much about I say about Covid .
I have many questions, concerns, and WTF’s about W.H.O., China, various world Governments, the Canadian PM, his Minions, Dr. WHO/Tam, the Premier of B.C., Dr. B, and so much more that I get sick just thinking about them .
I also have many questions about the Virus and I strongly believe that NOT ALL Deaths reported and counted can be attributed to Covid 19 . As an example I am going to speculate that well over 75% of Deaths or Seniors or those people with compromised health died from Pneumonia or the Flu and those deaths have been incorrectly categorized as Covid Deaths, any of us can speculate as to why but that is a political story for another discussion .
Having said that I have had a Corona Virus and I still have he tell tail signs . I have spent more time in Asia than Jackie Chan and several years ago I contracted a corona Virus where I became deathly ill for a few days but thank my lucky stars my respiratory system remained strong and in tact with no lasting ill health other than the fact that I still only have about 25% of my sense of smell and taste on a good day . Fortunately I am in fact stronger than ever .
Yes, there are plenty of questions about Covid – 19 and corona Virus but personally I would much rather see ALL Free World Nation Governments and their people concentrate on holding China to account and ensuring that China is forced to make restitution for their misdeeds, those Free World Nations can begin by forgiving themselves Debt owed to China, that would be a good start .
AS was begun under POTUS Trump ALL Free World Nations should boycott China, fight back, imprt nothing from China and force manufacturing Companies to return/re-shore from China wherever possible, it is long past time to manufacture ALL Pharmaceuticals back in the UK, the EU, Canada, the USA, Australia, and other Free World Nations .
WE the Free World need to isolate china and support nations like India, Australia, Japan, the Taiwan Tiger, Indonesia, New Zealand, and so many more that have called China out and we need to stop the aggressive China from moving into the South China Sea and we need to stop China from Fishing Out the various oceans around the world .
We must concentrate on holding China responsible for Covid 19, the fact that China allowed Chinese Nationals to travel the world while being infected is in fact an Act of War !
That is only a small portion for what I feel needs to be done with China and Covid 19 . People Kind cantalk all they want about a “Fake Virus” but as already stated we are ALL much better off taking China on now before it is too late .
If Free World Nations worked together and brought China to its knees with boycotts and effective military isolation China would be in dire states . Chinese citizens are getting used to having a higher standard of living, they are no longer living on a handful of rice each day, their nutritional needs and now desires run far beyond a meagre peasant hand to mouth existence, if Free World Nations were able to isolate and cause great havoc with the Chinese economy, the Chinese population would soon revolt and it would be the end of the Chinese Communist Party and the Dictator Xi . The fact is if the Chinese population was to revolt it would be cataclysmic and millions would die but China must be stopped and China must be stopped now . If managed and strategized efficiently and properly China would be so busy with it’s own internal revolution and other internal matters, they would be in no position to wage war with other regional nations and they would not dare fire off missiles at random .
If Free World Nations were to handle China effectively and properly it could change the world, we have no time to waste and we have no time to fight amongst ourselves over whether the Covid – 19 virus is “Fake” .
Yes, thee are indeed questions about Covid and management of the pandemic but let’s unite against China and then review with Commissions on the Pandemic and Vaccinations at a later date, China should be our main focus before it is too late .
Let me end by asking you a question, what if you and your friends are wrong about Covid, would you want to see your parents, grandparents, or others you consider important locked in a Long Term Care Home without NO PPE for them or staff and without no isolation, and without no “Fake Vax” ?
Are YOU willing to take that chance with yourself or your loved ones ?
What if there is a chance that the “Fake Virus” does cause a problem where you or loved ones end up strapped to a bed with a hose rammed down your throat for 6 weeks and then after that six weeks of choking and torture you or you loved one succumbs and dies ?
Are you willing to take that chance ?
Frankly as someone that had a corona virus several years ago I am not willing to wish that on anyone and I did not even have a hose rammed down my throat for weeks on end .
No, let’s put all of our energy at “Taking Down china” !!
“China is NOT Our Friend, China is a Clear and Present Danger and China is Our Enemy” !!
Did I just make your day ?