May 28, 2021
The government of Alberta has ordered four provincially-based universities to suspend new or renewed partnerships linked to China and its government based on potential theft of Canadian intellectual property.
“I am deeply concerned about the potential theft of Canadian intellectual property and further concerned that research partnerships with the People’s Republic of China may be used by Chinese military and intelligence agencies,” reads a statement from Alberta’s Advanced Education Minister Demtrios Nicolaides.
“Anybody in Canada partnering on sensitive technologies with counterparts in China could very well have their research being used by the Chinese military. And I don’t think researchers want that,” McCuaig-Johnston told CTV News.
You don’t think researchers want that? As a long-term watchdog organization for Canada-China relations, Cultural Action Party assure readers that far more than researchers stand in opposition.
One theory CAP has coined goes like this: it is always after the fact-– and past the point of rectification, that Canadians discover nefarious workings related to globalist infiltration of our society. In other words, the truth comes to light right about the time when it is too late to reverse the process.
To think that Alberta’s crackdown on communist infiltration of Canada is a recent phenomenon is a giant misnomer. The Canada-China educational integration goes back to a precise beginning– the moment Pierre Trudeau became prime minister in 1968.
What Canadian Media Buried:
In the year 1970 came an unprecedented historical development. Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau became the first Western political leader to embrace communist China. Mr. Trudeau ingratiated Chairman Mao Tse Tung through a series of meetings in the early part of the decade. Interesting to note that the introduction of multiculturalism in Canada was unrolled a mere eight months after the first meeting between Trudeau and Mao. CAP refer to this as no coincidence.
Thus it developed that China ever-so-quietly began to get its hooks into our Canadian educational system. In fact, it was through a dual dynamic of educational and business interests that the process came into being.
The Canada-China Business Council, founded in the year 1978, served as the catalyst for economic penetration. Pierre Trudeau also had his hand in this development. Along with the billionaire Desmarais family of Quebec(Power Corporation), the CCBC silently became a powerhouse for China’s economic interests in Canada.
Meanwhile, organizations such as the Confucius Institute began to spread their communist wings. So much so that by the year 2014, the Toronto District School Board(TDSB) threw the Confucius organization out on its ear. Several Canadian universities followed suit.
Buried By Media: The FORTY YEAR MEDIA Cover-Up Of Pierre, Justin and Alex Trudeau’s Dedication To Communism