Original video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_NNTVJzqtY – ***Removed from youtube 17 June 2021***

***Timestamps Below***

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been…







  1. Robert Malone presented such a dignified and studied approach to all things Covid.
    His many insights were much appreciated, often stopped in their tracks by Steve Kirsch, who ironically demanded he be heard out, often to reiterate a broken thread, interrupting frequently, as he asked he not be interrupted.
    Not to say he didn’t bring riveting relevant info forward. That all was greatly appreciated too.
    But Steve failed his manners test. The yellow card was lost on him, not a soccer guy.
    He might have taken the hint as Tobery evidenced- respectful measured interactions are what we are all best served by yo advance the dialogue.
    Perhaps the best fix might have been- this as two separate interviews.