Stop Saying “Sorry” When Vaccine Refusers Fall Sick or Die

July 25, 2021

The global death toll from Covid … officially … is more than 4.13 million; unofficially it could even be double that.

More than 192 Million across the world have been infected by Covid … so far.

Good people; innocent people; grandparents, parents, children cut down prematurely by a vicious virus, passed on to them silently and unwittingly over the past 18 months.

Impacting billions more … sent into mourning over the losses of loved ones or enduring the terrible pain and fright of watching so many fight a highly infectious foe that is only satisfied when it snuffs out a life.

And just think of the impact … physical and psychological … on the millions of first responders, hospital and rest home care staff and other essential workers all throughout society … too many of whom sacrificed their own lives in the struggle to save/help others.

While the only defence most of us had for more than a year was to self-distance, wear a mask, isolate, shut down our lives and livelihoods … or just hide.

Until the Covid vaccines came along.

Developed at warp speed, 24-hours, seven-days a week working under emergency research conditions, accelerated testing schedules … then approved so millions of doses could be manufactured at a cost of billions of dollars, acquired by governments at the cost of billions more … and then, administered FREE to those lucky enough to be able to get it.

A miraculous achievement!

And the Covid vaccines have very clearly worked.

In BC, where Covid infections in March regularly approached 1,000 NEW cases a day, the seven-day figure is now averaging 58; with only 46 people in hospital with Covid and 17 in ICU.

Because 80.3 % of British Columbians 12 years old and over have had at least one dose of a Covid vaccine; and, 58.1 per cent have received two doses.

The vaccines are working! Saving lives! Reducing illness! Allowing us to escape house arrest, to work, socialize, touch, hug … and get back to living!

However, that return to freedom is already under threat: Covid numbers are RISING again, due to increasing (and deadlier) variants thriving and spreading thanks to millions of people refusing to get vaccinated.


I’m not talking about people who, for medical reasons, cannot be vaccinated … but those who have soaked up Internet conspiracy theories, bought into rumours and speculation proffered by people even dumber than they are; and, those who just couldn’t care less about protecting their own health or that of anyone they come into contact with … anywhere.

Even though, numbers around the world are now showing daily that as high as 90% of people still getting seriously ill and dying from Covid where vaccines are available are now the UNVACCINATED.

All but 43 Texas COVID-19 deaths since February were unvaccinated people | The Texas Tribune.

COVID-19 cases in B.C. are up — but 78 per cent of new cases are among unvaccinated people | CBC News

80% of new COVID-19 cases in Spain among non-vaccinated people, health minister says | Reuters

They’re still not convinced?

Just think of where the world would be if these vaccine-vetoers were given free range a hundred years ago. Polio. Measles. Mumps. Chicken pox. Diphtheria. Rubella.

Now Covid.

The vaccines ARE working!

But without an even higher degree of vaccine compliance/success, Covid and its various variants will be with us for several years … especially if we allow the vaccine refusers to freely mix amongst us in close quarters, crowded rooms and large groups.

Do we just accept that? Or stop being so polite and start calling out those who are aiding and abetting Covid’s spread/survival?

Quite often, seems to me, it’s the same people who oppose vaccines who also refuse to wear masks, ignore self-distancing and party in crowds like nothing has changed since 2019.


Nevertheless, as I’ve written before, I still do NOT believe in MANDATING Covid vaccines: if someone does not want to be vaccinated, that IS their right.

However, they do NOT have the right to endanger, render ill or kill other people … by deliberately refusing the Covid vaccine or failing to follow Health Orders and then catching/mingling/passing the Covid virus on to others.

We who ARE vaccinated have a RIGHT to protect ourselves!

If non-vaxxers want respect: they must give it as well!

Store owners, restaurants, theatres, gyms, ANY private business/venue MUST have the right to require vaccines (masks too) in their PRIVATE premises … just as they also have the right to ban anyone smoking, not wearing a shirt or shoes.

Not just for customers, but staff too … especially those in restaurants, bars, rest homes, hospitals, transit.

To facilitate that, Provincial governments should issue Covid “Pass” cards to all vaccinated residents who have qualified for them … just like Drivers’ Licences, Passports etc. … voluntary, but valuable.

Until total vaccinations reaches full herd immunity levels that satisfy health authorities and science, Covid will NEVER be brought to its knees and our lives will NEVER return to “normal”.

To help achieve that, the rest of us should also stop pussyfooting around, being so polite to those offered the vaccine, but for no physician-directed personal medical reason, simply refuse to take it.

THEY are clearly much more vulnerable to catching the virus, endangering YOU if you come into contact and are preventing society from fully defeating Covid.

So let’s keep it real.

When we hear from family or friends that a deliberate vaccine-refuser gets terribly sick … or succumbs to Covid … we should stop saying “Sorry!”

What should we say?

I suggest instead: “Wow! What an idiot!”

I suspect even the vaccine-refuser victims, looking on from wherever they end up, would agree!

And maybe THAT will convince other non-vaxxers to realize how irresponsible they are being, and then get the shot, stay alive, help protect others … and stop Covid.

Harv Oberfeld

(Sad news: long-time Blog commenter Bob McQuillan (BMCQ) died Saturday. Agree or disagree with his views, everyone who reads this blog can agree BCMQ contributed an encyclopedia of information to our various topics and greatly added to the crucial discourse that is the lifeblood of democracy. R.I.P Bob. )



  1. RIP Bob (BMCQ). Enjoyed reading your posts over the years.

    Is Harvey even remotely aware of all the deaths and adverse reactions in Canada and around the world caused by the experimental injections he’s pushing ?

    Harvey, why would you coerce people to get an experimental medical treatment, when people getting these jabs could suffer side effects including death?

    Harvey, it sounds like you got the jabs. You’re intelligent.
    What are the ingredients in the jabs you willingly took?

    Why not just keep your immune system boosted, and maybe look into HCQ, Ivermectin and Zinc.

    Who’s the “Idiot” now?

  2. Currently out of Israel where its said that over 61% of the population is double vaxxed with the Phizer [toxic] cocktail, 63% of current Covid 19 deaths are from the double vaxxed and 47% of active case are from the double vaxxed.

    H.O. may be an intelligent man and a notable journalist but facts say he is simply wrong on his POV over these non vaccine vaccines. Everyday more and more proof verifies the failure of protection of the vaxxed and increasing number of vaxx reaction deaths. Tens of thousands reported (under reported as noted by expert studies) from just the USA, UK and Europe alone. But the now MILLIONS of adverse reactions where about 50% are SERIOUS and likely life altering and chronic reactions to UNAPPROVED experimental mRNA injections.

    Facts and growing anecdotal stories abound with large numbers of vaxxed deaths and serious injuries today and IT WILL GET WORSE! Only the sheep refuse to see the growing proof of the failure of these experimental injections.

    Doctors and nurses who work in ER’s globally today if/when being honest often state most of the Covid patients they get are now vaxxed. Plus they see growing numbers of vaxxed coming is with major adverse reactions and deaths from the injections. IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY! IT’S GOING TO GET MUCH WORSE!

    More and more people on social media where they can before having posts deleted by wrank CENSORSHIP! claim they know people who have died from the experimental injections.

    The governments, bureaucracy, and notably the stinky media, social media have done a lot to cover up many of the growing number of vaxx death and serious injuries. But mark my words here, come fall winter they will be swamped by the deaths and serious injuries from the non vaccines vaccines and will be unable to cover it all up anymore.

    My gut tells me these injurious mRNA injections will be pulled from the market by year’s end as governments scramble to CYA and put in massive compensations programs to pay out vaxx death benefits and to pay for vaxx injuries benefits.THAT IS HOW BAD IT WILL GET! Governments will likely fall via ANGRY elections or other ways by early 2022. The scourge of vaxx deaths and the millions, maybe tens millions of globally who will suffer life long mRNA vaxx injuries will be the reason why.

    Finally. I predict sadly this fall sport’s season some NFL players dying on the field due to the adverse reactions of these injections (likely vaxx made blood clots being dislodged going to the heart or brain during physical play) and the physical sport they play in. CFL players may at a lesser number suffer deaths too and likely NHL/NBA players may die during games too…. WE SHALL SEE!

    OBTW, MIT study found those who are not going to get these experimental injections are NOT doing so out of ignorance or stupidity. The study found the overwhelming number of anti Covid 19 injection people were above average in knowledge of the Covid 19 virus and of the injections and the very serious issues, side effects and lack of credible science based history to the true safety and efficacy of these injections as well as all the side effects. Just because a politicians, pharma execs and a health officials claim these are SAFE, EFFECTIVE and FREE does not make it so.

    THEY ARE NOT SAFE (increasing evidence backs this up)
    THEY ARE NOT EFFECTIVE (increasing evidence backs this up)
    THEY ARE NOT FREE (governments globally are paying tens of billions of dollars or more for these EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS!)

  3. May Bob McQuillan be finding eternal peace and my prayers for his family.

    Regarding Harvey, Whatever you say, Boomer.

  4. So much to unpack in HO article but suffice to say this. We were told from the beginning there was a 99+% chance of survival if you caught covid. Protect those with underlying conditions and the elderly. What changed? They were concerned about plugging hospitals. Fair enough. What happened to vaccines taking years and years to produce but not this one? Like many I have been vaxxed but why is it that I don’t need booster shots for those vaccines I have taken? Simple those were vaccines weren’t created overnight and went through the normal trials. When the creator of the mRNA is signaling danger. When the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis tells you it was never meant to detect infectious diseases what does that tell you. There are so many effective treatments with big success and doctors are being censored to even mention HCQ, Ivermectin etc. And now the variants. Well if Mullis said the PCR test wasn’t event meant to detect infectious diseases how is it they know of all these variants? So to those who keep yelling at the unvaccinated, my question is this. IF you are so worried being double vaxxed that you are going to catch covid from the unvaccinated, why would you have bothered to take the jab? You are never going to vaccinate 100% of the world. For now there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight to covid. No lockdowns, masks, social distancing helped. We aren’t going to know for months if not years the problems with the jabs. Which brings me to the question of the “vaccines.” If the goal of the vaccine is to eradicate covid, why are there different types of vaccines? And who determines which one I get? Never mind covid, we have a bigger problem with vax vs unvaxed and the huge divisiveness to family, friends and businesses. Don’t let the media, hollywood et al tell you what to do. Great saying worth heading. “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Do your own homework and don’t get bullied into something. You can’t unjab yourself!

  5. Glad to see my Blog piece got a really good discussion going. Although I don’t think either side has changed some minds … I’m relieved to see the fast rising numbers of Delta variant infections has resulted in an increase of young adults (20 to 39) getting their vaccines. Terrific! There is not a medicine in the world that does not cause a rare negative reaction on very, very small numbers of recipients: but the benefits to the millions of others has been proven and has improved and even saved millions of lives. The statistics right across North America (probably Europe too?) are now showing the OVERWHELMING NUMBERS of people falling sick with Covid and requiring hospitalization and dying are NON-VAXXED! By FAR!! Get vaxxed … before it gets you.