by Keean Bexte

August 15, 2021

In a conversation with reporters today, Trudeau conceded that his insane mandate to vaccinate millions of Canadians forcibly is a sign of tyranny. Naturally, I agree.

I’m afraid I have to disagree with his excuse, saying that it is okay because he is calling an election before he does it.

Here is the story and video of him saying it. (If this were Harper, the mainstream media would be playing it on a loop for the next month).

Trudeau’s plan will affect millions of us and is one of the first Rubicon-crossing decisions which effectively establishes an apartheid state wherein a person’s civic access and rights are determined by vaccination status.

This is not a drill – Trudeau is setting a precedent in this country that citizens have no bodily autonomy.

Through this election, my reporters and I at The Counter Signal are going to stay hot on Trudeau’s tail, holding him and his cabinet responsible for their actions – because nobody in the bailout media will dare to.
Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

P.S. The flights alone to follow Trudeau and his candidates around during the election will cost thousands of dollars. If you can help us cover those costs, please do so here.

P.P.S. You might remember during the last election I asked Trudeau several pointed questions about his history at West Point Grey Academy and his blackface habit. I have just applied to get access to the Federal Debate where I will be able to do that again. If you can help me with the hotels, taxis, and flights, please click here.