by Harvey Oberfeld
August 20, 2021
Politicians can get caught up in rhetoric, passionate arguments, robust accusations … especially during election campaigns: I get that.
But none of them … especially party Leaders … should make rash, unproven, dangerous allegations that can stir up hate, anger, division and even violence … just to score votes.
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh not only stepped over the line Friday: he obliterated it and I believe totally cast aside any standard of acceptable ethics, truth and evidentiary integrity … even for a politician… to cultivate First Nations’ (and extreme left) support.
Singh chose for his campaign stop the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan which claims there are 751 unmarked graves in a cemetery at the former Marieval Indian Residential School site, about 150 kilometres east of Regina.
Without a single shred of actual, physical forensic EVIDENCE from this (or any other unmarked sites across Canada) that bodies indeed ARE there or how/why they died , Singh repeatedly … over and over again … referred to those buried there as having been “killed”.
“Children were stolen from their parents and then killed,” the NDP Leader told the media.
Really? How can any “Leader” who aspires to be even Canada’s Opposition Leader, let alone Prime Minister, just come out and say …. without ANY actual evidence … that those in any graves anywhere were “KILLED”?
“Kids that were killed in a genocide,” Singh added … making sure he used the word “killed” several times over before he was done.
Is Singh so ignorant he is not aware of the high death rates throughout Canada from 1910 to 1975 from childhood diseases, tuberculosis, polio, and numerous other critical medical conditions (heart, epilepsy, type one diabetes, kidney, liver problems) untreatable at the time?
And has he ever heard of the judicial standard of “habeas corpus” that protects everyone under our justice system?
Apparently not: Singh has already decided it’s all “a crime”.
““This is a crime committed against Indigenous people. This is a crime of genocide,” Singh said adding ” we would appoint a special prosecutor and make sure it’s prosecuted.”
I guess saying “killed” makes a better headline and is Singh’s attempt at overcoming Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s advantage in pandering for First Nations votes by promising/handing out millions and billions of public dollars over the past few months.
But in Singh’s case, the disgrace Friday got even worse.
Since during this election kissing babies for a photo op is out, Singh had a better idea.
At the Cowessess First Nations site, Singh and his wife “walked along the hundreds of graves, each marked by a small white flag and solar-powered lights. Sidhu knelt down and laid a bouquet of flowers,” CTV reported.
And Singh himself said a prayer. As the media recorded it all.
You can read the full CTV story here:
And the ever-compliant, complacent, co-opted media lapped it up!
During Singh’s televised media conference, I did not see a single question about his repeated, but unproven, allegation that thousands were “killed” in what Singh referred to as “a country that killed its own people”.
Too bad no one asked Singh about the thousands of unmarked graves, uncared for and/or abandoned by First Nations themselves across the nation … which I wrote about recently:
But there was this:
“You’re about to be a parent: what was it like going through those unmarked graves?”
Almost as if on cue, Singh choked back tears and then replied: “”I don’t want it to be about me. That’s the important thing. It’s about Indigenous communities and what we’ve got to do for them. It’s about what this means that a country killed its own people.”
The media had their clip!
And CBC Newsworld … which I have long regarded as the unofficial voice of the NDP … went full throttle in its coverage and “panel” discussions. LOL!
Probably a better “news” day for Singh than Trudeau or O’Toole … certainly when it came to getting more First Nations votes in the bag.
But I believe it’s very dangerous when any politician declares anyone GUILTY of any crime … especially GENOCIDE … before there are actually ANY evidence, ANY actual forensic analysis, ANY trial, ANY findings.
That’s why Singh … dreaming of becoming Prime Minister … is unfit to be even Canada’s Opposition Leader.
Harv Oberfeld
Moron. Those kids were fucking killed. But of course you are just as bad as Hitler thinking that they deserve the fate they got. They were taken from there families by the Catholic Church and killed when they didn’t conform. So yes they were killed. Tons of evidence to support it. But of course someone on your crazy sites you follow says they weren’t killed and they have no proof so you believe it. God damn you are a fucking moron. And you call people like me a snowflake and tell me get to woke. Look in the mirror you sanctimonious son of a bitch.
Bringer of truth,
Prove that those children were killed? To just say so is ignorant. The burden is upon you making the allegation just as it is to the Commie twit Jagmeet Singh.
One can debate residential schools, pro v. con and in logic of the time or era these existed. BTW many rural white kids went to residential schools too. The idea was to make sure future native indian generations would better fit into the society expanding around them. Do you think letting them just live in 17th. century ways while Canada and the USA boomed around them would have been better? Do you want the indigenous to live as stone age relics? How racist are you if you said yes to these questions?
The mistreatment of indigenous children on some residential schools is fact, ok, we get it, we can’t change the past and yes Canada MOVED beyond those schools ok. Many indigenous children say they benefitted from the residential schools so it was not all bad for all children ok? Lamestream media and leftist politicians lie and distort things to spoon feed garbage to the likes of you.
As to the deaths noted, YES! it’s likely a high probability that most if not all those children died of communicable diseases… THIS WAS MUCH A PART OF LIFE IN THOSE TIMES FOR ALL PEOPLE! So before you allege killing of children, maybe be sure you have your facts straight.
Don’t want singh there either. He just as bad as Trudeau
Well Les. The residential schools were operated in Canada from the 1870’s until the 1990’s. Last school closed in 1996. I have family that went to those schools. Some of my family made it out. A couple of family members were locked in rooms to “comply”. And they were not fed. Others were beaten for being native and not Catholic. They used so much punishment that only the “good Catholics” will survive. If you didn’t survive or escape in the case of some of my family members, you deserved to die. It was not all communicable diseases. In fact starvation and abuse are not diseases. That’s why most people died. So they were killed. Just because they weren’t shot or stabbed, doesn’t mean they were not killed. Also it wasn’t that natives were living in 17th century ways. Lots of natives were evolving as times changed but there were many that wanted to follow the ways of there ancestors and even today that still happens. Should we go kill them? Or force them into a school to make them live like us? It’s just like when people come to Canada from other countries, we do not force them to give up there beliefs or religions. We allow them in and allow them to live there lives. So should we not be doing that with the natives that still follow the ways of there ancestors?
Another thing…
People were stealing native land and basically forcing native people to leave there land or be persecuted.
How about you pick up books. Or maybe do some research before running your mouth. Jagmeet Singh may not be who should lead this country. But he is a million times better then the racist sexist lying scum O’Toole. Anywhere the PC party is in power provincially, they have destroyed the economy. Destroyed the province. There are calls for Doug ford to resign. There are so many things wrong with that party. If they get in federally this entire country is fucked. So this election should either come down to Trudeau (who is not good and shouldn’t be leading this country) or Singh. The only good thing about Singh is he at least does his research and knows the history of this country and knows what we need over the next many years to be able to rebound from this pandemic and come back stronger and better.
Bringer of truth.
Nobody stole any native lands in Canada and even the USA. Natives had no politically defined lands for thousands of years. Therefore no politically defined lands to steal. If any arbitrary lands were stolen it was one tribe taking another tribe’s land and over and over. This was the way it was for what 15,000 years.
Now did the governments of Canada and the USA pull deals that were not so good for numerous natives? Sure, power does that and not just to indigenous persons in North America, but the world all over in history has seen much of this stuff and yes even true stealing of lands. Stop thinking it was just a North American thing.
I noted that the residential schools had there issues, ok? I’m not defending them in their failings. But revisionist history will never see the reality of the times, because they look through a different prism. I did not ignore a such problems of the residential schools. But we can’t change the past nor frigging live in it as you seem to want to do.
You still have NO proof these children’s graves were a result of being killed! One more time most of their deaths were likely trough communicable disease.
The fact is that Singh is using this is sickening! As he gives no shits for you, no shits for Indigenous in any way! No Commies give any shits for anyone or anything accept for the Marxist cause! Marxist ideology is their Holy grail! It’s Satanic and it’s vile. Singh is a vile man!
Singh does no research, you are in a delusion. He knows like all good leftists how to milk situations and people. You are falling for it.
You need to get into some books and learn of how Marxist-Communists work and think. They are driven by a single purpose POWER through Communist control and ideology. They will lie, steal, beat, persecute, kill and even genocide anyone who gets in their way if they ever get power anywhere on this globe. Any first nations here in Canada will suffer if an idiot and a hateful anti-Canadian Commie POS, Singh ever got power. Look at Trudeau and see how bad he is. Singh is the same but on social and political steroids if he ever got power.
Singh has no plan to fix anything from this media driven overblown pandemic. NO MARXIST PARTY EVER FIXED ANYTHING AND ANY PROBLEMS! If you think he has such a plan then you want SUFFERING even for yourself.
OBTW, before you may angrily??? reply, please read this. I was a liberal-lefty for over 25 years of my life. I voted for the NDP or Liberals numerous times in my ignorant and idiot younger years. I know exactly how liberals and leftists think on many issues, for I was one at times and even a rabid vocalist for what I now see is all their bullshit and lies. I finally took off my idiot rose coloured glasses some 7+ years ago. As to leftist ideals, even those of the idiot hate mongering liar Jagmeet Sing, “YOU GOT NOTHIN ON ME!” For again I once carried much of those retarded ideals.
Peace Out, now I ask you to get some real books on true history and not just political garbage that hate Canada, the USA and the western world. THE ONLY PART OF THE WORLD THAT EVER WAS GREAT!