Courtesy of CF
August 21, 2021
MP Derek Sloan has announced that he is creating a new political party, called the True North Party, that hopes to rival the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) in the right wing of Canadian politics.
With an election looming in Canada, many are wondering how right wingers can dethrone the Trudeau regime and elect a leader that will preserve our Canadian identity, stand up for our freedoms, and ultimately put Canada First. It doesn’t take a political expert to understand that the creation of yet another party negatively affects our chances of obtaining our goal of ousting the fake conservatives, and consolidating the Canadian right wing.
Sources that contacted Canada First Media say that Derek Sloan is internally polling as low as 4% in his own riding of Hastings-Lennox and Addington.
This is reason why Sloan chose to campaign and announce his new political party out West. For comparison, Maxime Bernier, the leader of the PPC, is polling over 30% in his home riding of Beauce, and is neck and neck with his CPC opponent. The PPC has been rapidly gaining ground out West. Why is Sloan attempting to inject himself into the spotlight, and disrupt these advancements?
Neo-conservatives are globalist pawns that have no issue with cancel culture, and actively participate in whisper campaigns, slandering real conservatives that are truly right wing and truly Canada First.
Whether they know it or not, advocating for liberal ideas that are doused in the vernacular of patriotism is not truly conservative. Real Canada First nationalists and conservatives need to be aware of these attempts to subvert the growing Canada First movement.
Canadian nationalists must beware of the neo-conservative media outlets and their subversive tactics that plague Canadian politics. They help the Trudeau Regime by propping up controlled opposition. They promote fake conservatives with weak talking points, that subvert the very ideals of conservatism. This has been happening for decades, and is one of the main reasons as to why the right wing has failed at preserving our nation.
Sources have told Canada First Media that former Conservative Party MP and MPP candidates, along with other subversive actors within news media, have been involved in the creation of Sloan’s party.
One of these actors is Benjamin (BJ) Dichter. He is a former Conservative Party of Canada MP candidate that founded LGBTory, a “conservative” LGBTQ advocacy group that calls themselves the “rainbow conservatives of Canada”. Sources say that Dichter has been involved in the creation of Sloan’s new party.
Why would an ex-CPC member who founded a LGBTQ+ group within the CPC be behind Sloan’s “socially conservative” political party?
In a statement to True North, PPC spokesman Martin Masse said,
“Mr. Bernier made several overtures to Mr. Sloan to join the PPC and we are disappointed that he declined and decided to launch his own party. We don’t really understand why he believes this was necessary… we wish him good luck, but he has decided to become a competitor instead of joining us, and there won’t be any collaboration between us.”
Read Entire Story HERE
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Is he for the people of Canada and freedom, or just Derek Sloan?