August 24, 2021
About 40 state legislatures are now following Governor Ron DeSantis’ lead in Florida by moving to ban vaccine passports. But some states and cities are already implementing vaccine passports – and it looks like the puppet-masters running the Biden regime are going to try to force a federal vaccine passport on us very soon. They’ve got to keep their COVID quackery in place through 2022, so they can pull the same election shenanigans as they did last year.
What are we as free Americans to do about this? Well, we already have one good example of citizens defeating a tyrant mayor’s vaccine passports – in Russia, of all places.
You’ve probably heard of the Excelsior Pass, which is now mandatory in New York City thanks to Pothead Bill DeBlasio, the city’s mayor. Once a person is vaccinated, they can have their HIPAA rights and their constitutionally protected right to travel preserved by getting a QR code on their phone. If you don’t have a QR code, Pothead Bill won’t let you go to a restaurant or do lots of other stuff.
The Mayor of Moscow Russia, a guy named Sergei Sobyanin, thought that Pothead Bill’s commie QR code idea was just ducky. So, Sobyanin made vaccination QR code passports mandatory on the 1st of July this year. Mayor Sobyanin apparently doesn’t smoke as much pot as Pothead Bill, so his vaccine passport plan was actually less restrictive than Pothead Bill’s.
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That’s how you can do it as in Moscow. This is not about SARS-coV-2 folks or the non vaccine vaccines, so even you double jabbed will see that you have no extra rights. WHAT? HUH? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WILLIS? That is right you double jabbed have no more rights than the unjabbed. You believe you do, but you don’t. In B.C. Canada as of Sept 13 try to go into a restaurant, bar, club, or sports event even if you are double jabbed without “PAPERS PLEASE!” If you lose or fail to keep your paper vaxx card on you or if your phone is forgotten at home or dare I say battery is low or dead you and your Covid Vax Pass BIG BROTHER TRACKER APP will not be available, you will be just as barred as the unjabbed.
So think for once in your life you pompous ‘I GOT THE JAB!’ types! You have no more rights than the unjabbed, the government tyrant is giving you some privilege that you must succumb giving up your medical privacy to some low wage door man and your general privacy rights as well to use said privilege.
On top of that if/when they require you to take a 3rd. jab, a 4th., 5th., 12th., 35th. jab etc. as days, weeks months pass in order to keep your Covid 19 vaxx pass allowable, EACH NEW JAB is more toxins in your blood and body and more risk of a bad adverse reaction maybe including your death. BUT HEY! the Liberal Government of Canada now will PAY for your funeral costs if you die from the JAB!
So instead of thinking you are more wise for taking an unneeded (generaly useless at protecting you anyways) and dangerous set of injections, to be given by the grace of Queen Bonnie Henry here in B.C or whomever your medical bureaucrat is in your location, THE PRIVILEGE AND NOT RIGHT! to via showing strangers you medical history and using tracking apps for your what should be free as per our Charter rights mobility and conducting of life to move about c/o Bonnie Henry, you should SEE the bigger picture and stand up for liberty and freedom and not to be some useful stooge here.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT A VAXX PASS! But is about taking away rights. Today you double jabbed and your Covid 19 vax pass is OK? Tomorrow a government or bureaucracy may enact a rights limiting action upon you that YOU then may not want and then YOU will too suffer.
So lets all as FREE Canadians do as the Russians did in Moscow, JUST DO NOT DO BUSINESS AT RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS, GYMS, CONCERTS AND SPORTS EVENTS! We all had to accept not having full access to these businesses during the idiotic lockdown anyways. If we as B.C.ers just stood strong in unity for a few weeks THESE USELESS COVID 19 VAX PASSPORTS WILL GO AWAY!