

August 27, 2021

Yesterday, I covered a story about three masonic lodges burning down.

In the story, I called the Masons “demonic”.

It wasn’t a word thrown around lightly, I chose it carefully and stand behind it 100%.

But boy oh boy did I upset “Mason Nation”.

Masons came out of the woodwork to email me telling me I’d “better apologize”!

Oh really dorks?

Have you ever seen a bigger group or D-O-R-K-S in your life than this:

Grange over Sands' Barry Saunders, third from the left, has been installed as master of the Arthur John Brogden Lodge of Freemasons, he was joined by senior masonic figure Phil Gardner, on his right.


Look, losers….playing dress up with your robes and sceptors and your stupid hats is something you should have grown out of when you turned 9.

Oh, in case you haven’t figured out yet by this point in the article, I have absolutely no intention of apologizing for my comments.

In fact, we’re gonna dig in and I’ll explain to you why the Masons are straight from the pit of hell.

Actually, I am going to make one middle ground comment here at the very beginning.

MOST Masons are good people.

Yes, I said it.

MOST Masons have no idea what is going on.

MOST Masons who only get to the first couple of degrees and just treat it as a social fraternity and think they are doing good in their community have no idea about what the Masons truly stand for.

It’s kind of like the FBI…

We all know the top of the FBI is rotten as hell, but there are a lot of good men and women in the lower ranks doing their jobs with honor and service to America.

Such is the case with the Masons.

So to everyone who wrote me and said “my dad was in the Masons and he’s a great person” or some variation of that email, I get it.

But that EXACTLY their plan.

Their plan is to infiltrate every city across America and make it look like it’s such a good and noble organization.

Who could have a problem with the Shriner’s Hospital, right?

It’s just like the Bible says about Satan….”he masquerades as an Angel of Light.”

That’s the Masons.

NATIONAL SURVEY: Do You Trust The Freemasons?

On the surface they want you to think they are Christian, but when you dig in you realize it’s just surface level stuff….and whole lot of other esoteric and pagan CRAP is mixed in.

They frequently reference the Bible but NEVER Jesus.

That’s a major red flag!

Oh, and in case you had any doubt about just how much they have infiltrated society, have you seen this?



  1. so basically it’s just a circle jerk and circle jerk and circle jerk and circle jerk and circle jerk and circle jerk…..