With Justin Trudeau being attacked at every campaign stop, the time has arrived to achieve political autonomy in Western Canada.
August 29, 2021
Within Western Canadian circles, talk of political independence, as well as separation from Eastern Canada, has been growing steadily over the past few years.
The difference between the two being of critical importance. There is no snap of the fingers, or magic formula, that would transition the West into a separate nation from Eastern Canada.
Referendums on separation must be triggered by provincial governments and enacted by the federal government via the Clarity Act. The Federal Government and sitting Members of Parliament must also agree on the referendum question.
As a result of these mechanics, our desired goals involve a step-by-step process– as it is regarding an accumulation of political power in general.
The goal of political autonomy for Western Canada is as astute choice. The signs are tangible. An emergence of two federal parties make the case for a rise in Western-centric politics.
One being the People’s Party of Canada(PPC), and another the Maverick Party. In terms of public support, this does not build overnight. The PPC ran candidates in the 2019 election, and did poorly– as expected the first time out. If polls are to be believed, their numbers look much better for the upcoming election. Several of them have the PPC ahead of the well established Green Party.
The Maverick Party is a more recent development. A specific focus on Canada’s four western provincesrender them unique. While many speak of the issue of vote-splitting, a long-term perspective suggests this is a positive development.
What the people of Western Canada need is political autonomy. Federal politics in Canada has always included a stumbling block in this regard.
Each time the Liberal Party form a government, the West is cast aside. When the situation occurs, a secondary piece of damage arrives. It involves a media thrashing of a Conservative government– exemplified by the 12-year period in which Stephen Harper was prime minister.
The media method is to hack away at the bedrock of the Conservatives until nothing remains but broken chips on the floor. Out come the political pick-axes, as media reduce the party to a collective of bigoted, abortion pushing zealots.
After which our country was transformed into a “sunny ways” global village as personified by PM Justin Trudeau. At the drop of a hat, media began the process of spoon-feeding the prime minister the benefit of the doubt.
Canadians have witnessed regional political success in the form of the Bloc Quebecois. In this regard, it is essential to remain grounded. The Quebec-centric nature of Liberal politics has been a giant boost for the Bloc. Yves Francois Blanchet’s party add to empowerment for the East. Still, there is potential for emulation that can serve Western purposes well.
The Conservative Party deliver an additional variable– a tendency to overplay their cards in pursuit of the Eastern Canadian vote.
To win a federal election, a party must win big-time in Ontario. The result being an inverse effect on Western provinces. In other words, a Conservative Party victory in no way guarantees a shift in benefit toward the West.
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So when is the time to take action? This would be right now. Because right now is the time at which Justin Trudeau is floundering in his campaign. In fact, the situation goes beyond floundering into the realm of personal attacks. Everywhere his plane lands, Trudeau is the recipient of verbal attacks, swear words and insults.
Strike while the iron is hot. Not only is success in politics a matter of timing– it is a question of momentum. Western Canada can leverage this moment to take a step toward political autonomy.
At a high-level, one factor remains clear: the three way triumvirate of the Liberal-Conservative-NDP dynamic has to change. It is this status quo which has Canadians locked into a structure in which true democracy declines with each passing year.
Never more so as perpetuated in the pseudo-communist stylings of a Trudeau-family prime minister. Let Western Canadians learn from this situation– and learn fast. The upcoming election being a mere three weeks away.
— Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder ( Est.2016)
I predict here that Canada as we know it will not be around in its current borders on or before its bicentennial.
Western Canada including BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Yukon an likely NWT will be it’s own nation and will be very close to the USA in all relations, economically, politically and socially. This will come after Quebec finally gets its vote to leave. Ontario and Nunavut will combine to be its own nation maybe in some form of confederation with the Maritimes and possibly Newfoundland.
Because Canada as it is now is a fake nation. Maybe 50-60 years ago it had traditional roots with the Commonwealth and strong ties to the USA in many ways. But the disintegration of the ties that bind all due to phoney and divisive multiculturalism, wrank liberal left politics, growing resentment between the west and Ottawa and a sickening smug anti-American mood mostly in Central Canada, Quebec most notably, well Canada is more and more a nation in name only.
Before 2067 there will be the Republic of Western Canada. It’s Capitol City will be either Vancouver, Calgary or Edmonton with a long shot being Regina Saskatchewan. The provinces and territories will keep their borders though. It will be a Republic with a President and not a Monarchy. It will likely not have a Parliamentary system of government but a U.S. style Republican form of government. It will be EXTREMELY close to the USA in all relations though.