by Keean Bexte
September 2, 2021
While the rest of the country has been wringing their hands over how they can further restrict freedoms, but recently, Alberta has generally stayed above the fray.
That might come to an abrupt end, as Rachel Notley puts pressure on Premier Jason Kenney to institute a FORCED vaccination regime.
Today the radical left-wing former Premier called for mandatory vaccines for unwilling Albertans, along with QR code passes to stop anyone who hasn’t fallen in line from partaking in society. Here is the vaxport ad she just shared:
This is extremist. It is insane.
It is crucial that we put pressure on Jason Kenney from the other side to tell him that not only would this be un-Albertan, but it is also un-Canadian.
If you have not yet signed our petition opposing mandatory vaccines and passports across this country, please do so here. |
Even when it is hard, please keep fighting for what is right,
Keean Bexte
P.S. If you would like to help us in our fight against mandatory vaccinations across Canada, please consider supporting our Journalism Fund. Every dollar helps our message reach a larger audience, and helps us put pressure on politicians like Kenney. |
It was all part of the big plan