by Keean Bexte


September 8, 2021

A week ago, I told you that I was barred from the Leaders’ Debate. I was furious and consulted with lawyers to discuss my options (thanks to everyone who pitched in).

The good news is, it worked! The Commissioner officially reversed his decision this afternoon, and I am on my way to Ottawa. 

I am going to the English debate to ask serious questions that Canadians need answers to. I am leaning towards asking Trudeau about the Winnipeg Lab documents, but I am still taking suggestions!

This is a huge victory for free media in Canada and gives me a small amount of hope.

I booked an economy flight from Calgary to Ottawa, and you can see how much it cost. Last-minute flights are not cheap.

If you can help me cover the costs, I will return the favour by asking Trudeau the questions he has been too scared to answer.

Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

P.S. It is not just a $1,600 flight. A cheap hotel will cost another $100, and an Uber will be even more! Please help support our Election Coverage Fund so that I can do the job that the mainstream media refuses to do! 

P.P.S. As a thank-you to everyone who has helped The Counter Signal grow into a national news organization, if you have a question suggestion, please submit it at the bottom of this article! (The CBC would never do this because they would be forced to ask a real question for once.)