“It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.”


by Brad Salzberg

November 10, 2021

In recent weeks, media rumours have been swirling in regard to a potential partnership between the incumbent Liberal Party, and the federal NDP Party.

While media has played their part in advancing the theory, NDP party leader Jagmeet Singh has poured cold water on the concept:

“There is no discussion at all of a coalition and that is a firm no for me. There’s not going to be any coalition at all,” Singh said when speaking to reporters. He blamed the so-called rumours on Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole.

Who doesn’t these days? For those watching closely, political presentation from mainstream media has morphed into virulent Conservative-bashing on all fronts. Never mind that Jagmeet Singh has led his party to a radical reduction of head count in Parliament. Mr. Singh is today media’s golden boy. Perhaps they prefer his hairstyle.

In the meantime, the CPC hold 119 seats, while the NDP have gone nowhere but down since the Singh takeover. At present they hold 25 seats in Parliament. Yet, by way of CBC, Globe and Mail and the rest, the CPC are a confused mess, while the NDP stand on solid rock.

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  1. Trudeau, Singh & O’Toole need to be permanently removed, as they are three of a kind. If not them then the destruction of Canada is imminent. This would need to take place in a very public locale such as downtown Toronto, or perhaps in front of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Capital Punishment is absolutely necessary, as they are all in agreement with the “Crimes against Humanity” with their illegal enforcement of experimental “vaxxines”. Canada is sunk with any of them remaining.

  2. Imagine if you will, collecting your meagre belongings and family, building a makeshift raft out of inner tubes and scrap metal to set it all a sail in the Gulf of Mexico hoping to sail 90 miles to the USA from Cuba, in shark infested waters, with hopes that the current won’t take you out to the ocean. That is hard enough but then you have an asshat Commie dictator who sends his air force up into the sky to patrol the gulf around Cuba and if any pilot see’s said raft of TRUE refugees (not the bogus SOROS funded ones that invade the USA, Canada and Europe) that pilot will strafe the raft to kill these refugees. THAT IS THE EVIL OF CASTRO’S CUBA!

    To think a significant percentages of Canadians and Americans think Castro, Geuvera and other pinko Commies like them are role models to want to shape nations into, IS EFFING PATHETIC!

    Any fellow Canadians who think Marxist ideology is a good thing, you are a disgrace and ignorant POS who should all be made to live in these pinko Commie nations.


    OBTW any homosexuals here who think Fidel (Justin’s dad ???) Castro was a good guy, understand that he along with his butt buddy Geuvera hated “queers and dykes”. Castro would have his police round up known or suspected gay men and before putting them into general prison population make them put on lipstick an makeup. Imagine what happened to these gay men once onside a Cuban prison all made up like that?

    Yet many of you homosexuals support Marxist tyrants…. Lets not even go to what Islam wants to do to you homosexuals, yet may of you kiss the arse of tyrannical Islam as well.. GO EFFING FIGURE!!!

  3. Trudeau and Singh are scumbags for their praise of Castro. How many citizens were tortured killed and disappeared because they were counter to the state. Canadians and any free loving people should be weary when their political leaders spout off with that shit. No wonder people easily call them traitors.