In the spirit of the forefathers of communism arrives Justin Trudeau.
by Brad Salzberg
December 27, 2021
Ever get the feeling that your country has been played like a deck of cards? Following the progression of Canada away from its democratic roots is likely to bring on such a feeling.
If an erasure of our country’s political foundation is going to occur, there must be something in the works to take its place.
Cultural Action Party offer our take on the matter. The transformation is not a random occurrence. It is, in our opinion, wholly calculated.
It began when Pierre Trudeau became prime minister of Canada in 1968. Its essence is one of a “soft revolution.” As an admirer of China, Cuba and the Soviet Union, our long-haired PM in a sportscar initiated measures that would forever alter Canada’s political trajectory.
It took fifty years for the culmination to reach an apotheosis. The arrival of Justin Trudeau as prime minister brought the agenda into concrete form. Leveraging the methods of communist societies of the past, Trudeau Jr. introduced the concept of Canada as a “post-modern” society.
Six years later, we understand the meaning of his euphemistic proclamation. In terms of labels, it is fairly defined as Justin Trudeau’s “Woke Revolution.”
One of the more blatant examples is found is the synthesis of government and media. Dr. Jordan Peterson describes it in his typically caustic manner:
“The legacy media are in an unrecoverable death spiral, spinning ever more uncontrollably. The CBC has become a mewling, meandering, self-righteous, slogan-spewing narcissistic near-corpse.”
Don’t hold back, Dr. Peterson. What we have here is an emulation of government-media relations in China. Like father Pierre Trudeau before, Justin Trudeau has had lasting admiration for the behemoth nation of the Far East.
Some elements are less blatant than an emulation of communist propaganda.Here is where Covid enters the picture. The role the pandemic is playing is all-encompassing.
Covid serves to acclimatize Canadians to strict, rules-based living. The pandemic transcends law. Suddenly, breaches of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are a dime-a-dozen. The result is an erosion of civil rights to a level commensurate with life within communist societies.
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