Tim Houston, Nova Scotia PremierNova Scotia Government / Youtube


On Friday, the provincial government of Nova Scotia issued a ‘Highway Blockacde Ban’ warning citizens that they are not to gather in support of the convoy of trucks headed to the nation’s capital.

by Jack Bingham


January 30, 2022

(LifeSiteNews) – The province of Nova Scotia has issued an edict making it illegal for citizens to gather along the highway and cheer on the truckers driving to Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates.

On Friday, the provincial government of Nova Scotia issued a “Highway Blockade Ban” warning citizens that they are not to gather in support of the convoy of trucks headed to the nation’s capital. While the directive states that the purpose of the ban is because gathering in “those areas would put themselves and others at risk,” the convoys have made it across the entire nation with similar gatherings, without a report of a single incident.

Read More HERE

Dr Jordan B Peterson
This has truly crossed a line: Nova Scotia bans gatherings along highway in support of trucker freedom convoy | True North

Nova Scotia has made it illegal to gather alongside the interprovincial highway in support of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy.




  1. I would probably say that the corrupt government might be getting a bit nervous, so now they will try every thing they can to stop the people from protesting. I say bring it on because we live in a free country and the people are standing up to keep it that way. All you government people do is lie and steal from the citizens of this country.

  2. EFF YOU NOVA SCOTIA THUGS!!!! You have no right to ban peaceful protests and demonstrations. SCREW ALL OF YOU THUGS WITH NECK STRETCHING ROPES! This is no longer just some gobbly gook government b.s. This is clear vile, abuse of powers and the people better pushback. WE NEED ROPE FOR POLITICIANS WHO ARE PURE THUGS!