February 5, 2022
Former president Donald Trump released a statement yesterday in support of the Canadian Truckers Protest now entering its second week in Canada’s capital of Ottawa.
“The Freedom Convoy is peacefully protesting the harsh policies of far left lunatic Justin Trudeau who has destroyed Canada with insane Covid mandates,” stated Mr. Trump.
Not known for subtlety of language, Trump delivers a direct hit regarding the condition of Canadian society, as well as who he believes is responsible. Regardless of one’s opinion on the man, one fact remains clear: Canada is today a fragmented society. Division within communities has reached an unprecedented level. In the history of our nation, polarization among our people has never been so extreme.
We point to a fundamental: a division between those who control our society, and those designated to be controlled. Since Justin Trudeau became prime minister, a growing chasm has led to a condition of “The People versus The Government.”
Or more succinctly stated, the people vs. government and media. It is this structure that defines what PM Trudeau coined “post-modern” Canada. No finer example exists than the recent Truckers Protest. Turns out a man showed up(or was planted) who proceeded to wave a flag adorned with a swastika through the crowd.
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President Trump is 1million% correct in his diagnoses of Turdstool. I am going to add to that statement however, Justin Trudeau is a FAR LEFT RAVING LUNATIC, that won’t be satisfied until he has totally destroyed every man, woman, and child in Canada, and if he was allowed any say in the matter the World. He needs to be made an example of for all other Leftest Lunatics.
Every leader in the world will have an opinion about True Dope now, and most will realize how pathetic he really is if they didn’t already know.