by Brad Salzberg

February 26, 2022

Conservative MP for Calgary-Nose Hill Michelle Rempel-Gardner has stepped out to brand a prominent news story a conspiracy theory. A video interview recently appeared on the internet during which World Economic Forum CEO Klaus Schwab delivers the following:

“What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister [Justin] Trudeau. Yesterday I was at a reception for Trudeau and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half, are Young Global Leaders.”

Link to video– Schwab makes his statement at the 1:36 minute mark.

Michelle Rempel Gardner: In the last two years, a volume of conspiracy theories regarding the WEF and Klaus Schwab began to circulate on social media. They are wrong to assume that a legislator in Canada could be influenced in all matters simply by attending a conference, receiving an award, or reading a badly conceived white paper.

Colin Carrie, Conservative MP for Oshawa, believes otherwise. At the 16 second mark of this video, MP Carrie states the following:

“Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum, and he bragged  how his subversive WEF forum has infiltrated governments around the world. He said his organization has penetrated more than half of Canada’s cabinet. In the interest of transparency, can the member please name which cabinet ministers are on board with the WEF agenda?”

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  1. I guess Rempel-Gardner has not heard of brainwashing and hypnotic suggestions along with trigger words. That can actually be used in a large group situation. Entire audiences can be put into a hypnotic state and given a trigger word. Perhaps, she has also been rendered in such away and is totally unaware of it. It is not just the Liberals that are being attacked by the WEF, it is all political parties as well as the business world. Anyone that is or could be in a position of influence. She is obviously one to watch out for.

  2. The Speakers actions and Charlie Angus’ “it’s all been deeebooooonked” tells me that Ms. Rempel-Gardner is full of crap. TBH, be annoyed at me all you want, I am a member of the CPC as I believe in fighting from within. I sent HQ an email saying that we need to purge the CPC party of WEF-hangers on and trash, and it needs to be a disqualifier for the leadership race. In fact, everyone vying to be leader needs to publicly state that the goals of the WEF to have “their people” in any level of government is repugnant and anyone in the CPC do does not believe needs to be booted out.