“Modern liberals hurtle from extravagant tolerance to suppression without batting an eye. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dramatizes the tendency.”

by Brad Salzberg


March, 2022

Recently published in the Wall Street Journal, this comment speaks volumes regarding the condition of Canadian society. It articulates what all citizens should understand– but do not. Under the iron-clad rule of PM Justin Trudeau, there is but a thin line between liberalism and totalitarianism.

In Trudeau’s Canada, all is social equality until a segment of the population disagree with government, and take action. In an instant, Trudeau and the Liberals clamp down on the offenders. The most authoritarian measures in modern history become a social standard, witnessed in government response to the Freedom Rally Protest in February, 2022.

PM Trudeau’s playbook goes like this:

1. Declare a crisis.

2. Construct a narrative around the crisis.

3. Push the narrative via establishment media.

4. Use the narrative to consolidate power.

5. Slander, censor and persecute all those who oppose the narrative.

Students of 20th century history should pick up on a pattern. The establishment of totalitarian states follows this architectural blueprint. From the Russian Revolution in 1917 to the rise of European fascism during World War II, it is a common process.

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  1. Step 6– Strangely enough, I think he knows it too, that is why he is so scared. Petrified in fact.
    God has all of this in control. Just kind of wish it would happen just a little quicker. I must learn to practice that one virtue a little more I guess, Patience.