by Grayson Quay

The Week

March 20, 2022

On Saturday and Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invoked his emergency powers under martial law to suppress several opposition political parties and implement a “unified information policy.”

In an address to the nation delivered Sunday, he announced a temporary ban on “any activity” by 11 political parties.

The ban includes the Opposition Platform – For Life party, which holds 43 seats in Ukraine’s national parliament and is the largest opposition party.

Opposition Platform – For Life is a pro-Russia party, but on March 8, party leader Yuriy Boyko demanded that Russia “stop the aggression against Ukraine,” according to Ukrainian outlet LB.

Read More HERE



  1. Ahhhh… yes, Freedom and Democracy, UKRAINIAN STYLE !

    Regardless of which side of this conflict one takes if you take a side, the saying goes and is verified here that the first casualty of war is THE TRUTH!

    Neither Putin or Zalensky are to be trusted and both are CORRUPTED BEYOND ANY DOUBT! The only real difference between the of two of them is overall strength and tenure. Putin has the edge there, but Zalensky is a puppet of the US/Euro led nations.

    The Ukrainians suffer at the hands of both men and inside Ukraine ethnic Russians suffer under Zalensky and his cronies too.

    The mainstream media here pandering for us to give money and to puff up Zalensky as a hero and yes I have heard a D.J. on Jack FM here in Vancouver calling Zalensky a Hero, SERIOUSLY!?! GO EFFING FIGURE!

    • Zelensky is apparently a Rothchild, therefore is as corrupt as all the rest of the neo-nazi’s that rule the roose of Ukraine. I disagree with you in regards to Putin however, Putin is only trying to eliminate the evil from Ukraine.
      The Uzov Ukrainian military are totally responsible for all of the damage being done near civilian territory. They are the ones hiding behind innocent unarmed Ukrainian children and women.
      Russia is attacking the US built Bio-Weapon Labratories and Storage facilities. Putin and the Russian military has brought in over 350 tonnes of food and supplies for the Ukrainian people.
      While all funds being sent from the West for the people and families is being confiscated for the Ukrainian military and is not reaching those for which it is intended.
      Zelensky is definitely a puppet being munipulated by the neo-Nazi’s, Kazarian Mafiz. These are the onces responsible for all of the Bio-labs, child sex trafficking and money laundering being done in what is being classified as the most wicked country in the world.