by Dan Dicks
Press For Truth
April 5, 2022
Elon Musk Now Owns Largest Stake In Twitter With 9.2%!!! What’s Next For Free Speech Online???
Elon Musk is now the largest share holder of Twitter stock with a 9.2% position and he made the move just 10 days after creating a Twitter poll that asked it’s users if they believe the platform rigorously adheres to free speech principles and an overwhelming 70% voted no (including myself). Meanwhile the liberal government in Canada is attempting to rebrand and reintroduce the controversial Bill C-10 into the new equally Draconian Bill C-11.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks into Musk’s apparent intentions with becoming the largest Twitter share holder while also exposing the new controversial Bill C-11 which is really just Bill C-10 rebranded!