Trudeau is taking away your rights at the border
by Keean Bexte
April 19, 2022
One of the first senators Trudeau ever appointed is doing his dirty work for him. If an MP ever proposed this law, they would be thrown out of Parliament by the people.
Trudeau is giving Border Agents the power to demand your device passwords at the border if he deems you suspicious. If you don’t give the government your devices, you will be arrested.
When they get into your devices, they will be empowered to screenshot everything and store it on government servers. That means pictures, videos, documents, and emails. All of it can be seized by Trudeau without a warrant.
For me, as a journalist, this is horrifying. When I was reporting from Hong Kong, I was worried about this happening at the airport. Now I am concerned about it happening in my home country.
Trudeau would be able to target uncontrolled journalists like me and find our sources of government leaks. He’d be able to find out stories we are going to publish about him before we do – and there is nothing we can do to stop him – unless we prevent Bill S-7 from passing in the first place.
Please read all about the Bill by clicking HERE, and if enough people voice their outrage – perhaps we can stop it.
Keep fighting for what is right,
Keean Bexte
We have some really exciting plans in the works to combat the Trudeau-WEF alliance. Stay tuned for an announcement shortly.
P.S. If you would like to help keep The Counter Signal fighting this fight, please click here to help.
That’s interesting after everything that’s been done to the Canadian people now we got this you know I was just saying to a friend of mine that things have been way too quiet so now it’s going to start again and thanks to our turban band mdp person it’s going to make things a little more difficult which we really don’t need you need to do a story people living in Lake city housing which I live in the Sanders building and well we can’t claim the rent on our income taxes because apparently this building and many others like it in Hamilton I have the same issue now because of this I don’t know how they figure this out but because of it many of us are just living literally on a shoelace so now they’re going to take away what little assistance we get which in in the form of the Trillium and that’s every month if you didn’t know that you get this little bit every month to help you and then you got the GST every couple months now this is just disgusting I have many health issues that I can barely barely get by that with the groceries that I need to consume for this and I’m not the only one in this Titanic sinking ship here oh s***!So is this supposed to be part of the thinning the herd mentality you know like the covid hasn’t killed enough of us so let’s you know recently get people’s ailments all worked up and then that life of natural causes I guess you could say I just don’t understand how things are going like they are you know like how do you take a very proud country and run it into the ground I just I have no idea about that and anyway yeah so I do hope that you you’re right more you can’t trust you can’t trust news anymore not the mainstream anyway so take care and stay safe

Well said
Wait till the US midterms there will be another lockdown so the scum can use the excuse of mail in ballots to cheat again. Trudeau is a communist two face CCP lover who lets illegal cross the border at Roxham Rd.
MONTREAL – An unofficial border crossing in rural Quebec that was used by asylum seekers to enter Canada has reopened after being closed for much of the pandemic.
The crossing at Roxham Road, on the Canada-United States border south of Montreal, is where thousands have crossed into the country to claim refugee status. The federal government ordered the crossing shut in March 2020 as the pandemic closed the U.S.-Canada border, but as of Sunday the order has been lifted.
A spokesman for Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said Tuesday the improving public health situation and the decision by the United States to reopen its land border with Canada led to the removal of restrictions for refugee claimants.
If they are in the States? Why do they need to come here? They are not being persecuted in the US?
So now the border guards can seize any ones cell they deem suspicious?? FK u Trudeau Canadians cannot stomach your socialist stench.