April 21, 2022
It is interesting to note the ways in which woke political consciousness in modern society emulate characteristics of traditional religion. One primary driver of woke ideology is a lady named Robin D’Angelo, whose book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism” was released in June of 2018.
D’Angelo, a white U.S. academic, is a modern-day evangelist of Wokism. Her zeal toward woke dogma maintains that caucasians are intrinsically racist. In fact, so is the entire social structure of the western world. Yet, there is a way out. Those privileged with whiteness can confess to ingrained superiority, repent, and be cleansed of original sin.
According to D’Angelo and the academic world from which the philosophy came, wokeness is a way of life. It provides a structure for one’s existence– a system of beliefs which explains why life is the way it is. There are no half-measures within the woke spectrum. “Cherry-picking” is not permitted. Buy it all, or hang your head in shame as an apostate. Woke orthodoxy results in punishment for those who deviate from the belief system.
We recognize an affinity with traditional forms of religion. There are the saved, and there are the damned. As such, a scapegoat becomes necessary for the fulfillment of the movement’s goals. Enter the Canadian white male, the sacrificial lamb as defined by woke religious doctrine.
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