May 17, 2022
If you want to know how the war is going in Ukraine, you only needed to take note of one piece of “news” last week–Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called his Russian counterpart:
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart for the first time since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Pentagon announced on Friday. The call lasted approximately an hour and was at the request of Austin, who used the first call between the two in 84 days to urge Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to implement an “immediate ceasefire,” according to a brief readout of the call. The two last spoke on February 18, a week before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine. CNN
If Russia was losing or completely stuck in Ukraine, one would expect that Sergei Shoigu would be the guy calling Austin and begging for mercy. Well, that is not what happened. Nope. It was Austin that placed the call, apparently unconcerned about his recent public call to weaken Russia. Why would Austin urge Shoigu to implement an “immediate ceasefire” if Russia was getting its ass kicked? Russia getting whipped by Ukraine is exactly what Austin has called for. Remember?
“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine. . .”
Once again I remind you all that the truth is the first casualty of war.
The political fervour from the so called FREE western nations to the conflict in Ukraine is disconcerting.
Ukraine is a cesspool of crime and vile political discourse/actions. I’m not saying that Putin is some Saint but I don’t trust a word of the conflict in Ukraine from any western nations’ governments or media. The truth is likely closer to the middle than not.
What concerns me is how many so called conservatives/ Republicans in the western world are all eagerly on board with the US/EU led narrative over this conflict. I mean the ‘anti trusting of Biden and other current western governments’ conservatives/Republicans just accepting the narrative here without any questions is bothersome to me.