by Brad Salzberg
July 24, 2022
A study from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is predicting that Canada will be the worst performing advanced economy over the coming decade, as well as for decades after.
The report offers insights on whether Canadians can look forward to meaningful gains in average living standards in the decades to come. The findings are dismal. The OECD predicts Canada can at best achieve real per capita GDP growth of only 0.7 percent per annum between 2020-2030.
This places Canada dead last among forty nations designated as the world’s advanced countries. Economists will ring their hands over such data. Media will soften the blow on behalf of government. “It’s a worldwide trend” says the Financial Post.
This may or may not be. CAP are concerned with a vital question never to be addressed by “experts,” journalists or economists: is this situation intentional on the part of government?
CAP has been around long enough to know that mainstream society will scoff at this suggestion. Those who religiously read the Globe & Mail consider this kind of talk so much conspiracy theorist lunacy.
Due to neglect of a vital point, they may one day be proven wrong. The missing link comes in form of an agenda of political transformation. According to this theory(ours), all Liberal government decisions contain a common purpose as elements of a predetermined agenda to transform Canada from democracy to a socialist state.
If the concept has validity, then the ruination of the economy would play a vital role in our national transition. If one objectively reviews the near seven-year period since Justin Trudeau became prime minister, patterns emerge to add credence to our theory.
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