August 3rd, 2022:

Another Victory for Health Care Workers Petition


You will recall in our health care workers’ petition Justice Coval awarded CSASPP public interest standing on 4 May, 2022 (we only required one of our petitioners to have it). On 3 June, 2022, I informed you that Dr. Henry had subsequently provided us with formal notice that she was unhappy with his ruling and wished to appeal it.

I am delighted to inform you that yesterday Dr. Henry provided us with formal notice of having abandoned her appeal. This was prudent on her part because she had an uphill battle in light of recent developments in Ottawa at the Supreme Court of Canada.

The SCC is of the mind that the basis for legality is the rule of law. If people cannot challenge their government in the Court then they cannot hold the state accountable and it could be seen as above the law. If a litigant has raised a serious justiciable issue, has a serious interest in the matter, and has proposed a suit that is a reasonable and effective means of bringing the case to Court, then the Court is more likely than not to exercise its discretion in awarding public interest standing.

Regarding Sunday’s banquet, it was a smashing success based on your feedback! We very nearly sold out before the sale ended. We may end up having another banquet in the Fall.

~ Kip

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  1. What happened to BS Bonnie’s tried and tested policy of sic’ing the RCMP at anyone who challenged the government and tossing them in mental institutions without a warrant, or did that method get a bit too much attention?

    It seems odd to me that for all the financial kickbacks the political system is getting for pushing the kill shots and lockup policies, the destruction of people’s lives up to and including murder, that they would back off at all. I wonder what was said behind-the-scenes…?