by Andrew Chan
August 17, 2022
A 12-year-old girl who does not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine cannot be mandated to do so, an Ontario judge has ruled in a family court dispute.
“The science relating to COVID-19 is developing,” wrote Justice Christopher Corkery of the Ontario Superior Court. “The ‘facts’ are changing.”
The dispute arose after the girl’s unidentified father filed a motion with the court, seeking to compel his ex-wife to have the girl vaccinated before the start of the school year, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.
“It’s keeping everyone in our community safe,” the father told the Court. “It’s keeping you safe.”
The girl, described as an A-student, wrote in an email that was submitted to the court, saying that “I do not want my COVID-19 vaccine.”
She noted that data have suggested “people who have received both shots and the booster are still getting COVID” and that “she heard from friends that their doctors are advising that children not get vaccinated.”
“This is my final decision,” the girl wrote. “I do not want the vaccine. I hope my wishes will be respected.”
In Ontario, COVID-19 vaccines were first made eligible for youth aged 12 and above in May 2021. The provincial government said at the time that expanding the eligibility to children in this age group came “at the request of some public health units to remove barriers for families requesting vaccines.”
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