After the Manitoba, Canada, public health agency reported data showing those fully vaccinated (not boosted) for COVID-19 are at higher risk of dying from the virus compared to unvaccinated individuals, health officials stopped reporting on the data — a trend seen in other countries, including Scotland, the U.K. and the U.S.

by Julie Comber, Ph.D.

Madhava Setty, M.D.


August 30, 2022

Manitoba, population 1.4 million, was the first Canadian province whose public health agency reported data showing those who are fully vaccinated (not boosted) for COVID-19 are at higher risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated individuals.

The age-standardized data are from May 2022, but last appeared in Manitoba’s August 3 report:

chart 1 figure 6 age standardized data may 2022

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  1. Honesty is not part of the provincial or federal mandates. They certainly wouldn’t want the people to know how risky the clot shot really is. After all the people might start waking up and stop trusting them. What a concept!!!