by Hannah Bleau


September 8, 2022

Three in ten Americans did not receive any vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus, despite the government’s coercive efforts and attempts at enforcing mandates and restrictions, a poll from The Economist/YouGov found.

The survey asked respondents to indicate which statement describes them best. 

While a majority, 71 percent, indicated that they have received “at least one shot of ANY manufacturers COVID-19 vaccine,” three in ten, 29 percent, said they have not.

The figure is highest among independents, 39 percent of whom said they have not received any coronavirus vaccine. Another 35 percent of Republicans indicated that they have not received a vaccine either, and 14 percent of Democrats said the same. 

Trump voters are far less likely to say they received a coronavirus vaccine as well, as 34 percent said they did not, compared to 91 percent of 2020 Biden voters who said they did get at least one jab.

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