by Keean Bexte


September 14, 2022

Denmark has banned the COVID-19 vaccine for most people under the age of 50
Denmark has announced that going forward, Danes under 50 will only be inoculated if they are at high risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19.

Denmark had already announced previously that all those under the age of 18 would no longer be given COVID jabs.

This just goes to show that now even the Nordic countries are implementing what most of us already know, that the vaccine is mostly useless and that healthy people do not need two shots or endless boosters every six months.

Meanwhile, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization of Canada has announced that it may recommend a vaccine every six months in Canada. When will this end?
Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

P.S. If you want to support our work on opposing COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates, please pitch in HERE.