Courtesy of

Robert David Steele

September 29, 2022

Virginia Sheriff Scott Jenkins was asked, “Do you see Sheriffs as the last line of defense if the Federal government did look for ways to massively confiscate firearms?”


I do and I would go back to what I said two years ago was well publicized.

A Sheriff such as myself, and I’m speaking only for myself, not for other sheriffs. As I said two years ago in Richmond and repeated it over and over If, the Supreme Court has already ruled the weapons in common use and AR-15 high-cap mags and so on should be allowed. Okay, we have that ruling. we have a constitution that says what it does so that said as a Sheriff, I have the ability to decide whether there’s a line there being crossed but unlike other Sheriffs across the nation when they wade into that argument a couple of years ago saying – well, I won’t say what I’ll do, but I won’t allow an unconstitutional law to be enforced. I’ve never said that and often got confused with other sheriffs who did that’s not my approach. My approach is much more simplistic and I’m going to use the office of Sheriff, the power I do have without arguing over bill or law that’s being passed.

I have the ability to swear in citizens as Deputy Sheriffs. I have no limit on that number. I don’t have a limit on my county borders. And, as I told them in Richmond and I mean it today just as well of Congress uses it to go down that road, I will swear in tens of thousands of citizens as Deputy Sheriffs provided they have their own weapons and be on call and available to me for service and they will be allowed to keep those AR-15s high capacity magazines and whatever else is generally speaking that is being talked about through all the chatter and rhetoric.

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