V-safe is a new smartphone-based CDC program that allows users to register after getting a COVID19 vaccine and provide health check-ins.

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) wanted to obtain this data. So, it deployed its legal team, headed by Aaron Siri, to obtain the v-safe data.

After suing the CDC twice, and following months of legal wrangling, the CDC finally capitulated, resulting in a court order that required it to produce this data. The first batch of data, containing 144 million rows of health entries by v-safe users, has now been obtained by ICAN and you can search it using a user-friendly interface that ICAN worked around the clock to create.

Lawyer Aaron Siri told Fox News on Oct 3, 2022:

* It took a whopping 463 days, numerous legal demands and 2 lawsuits before the CDC finally handed over the V-safe data which is already de-identified. It’s only a few minutes of work to share the data, so manpower issues could not have been the case.
* Out of the approximate 10 million individuals that registered and submitted data to V-safe, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization
* More than 25% missed work or had a serious event affecting their normal life
* 4 million (40%) reported joint pain, 2 million (20%) reported “moderate” joint pain, 400,000 (4%) reported “severe” joint pain

Read ICAN’s press release here:

Watch Del Bigtree break down this historic win here:

Search ICAN’s V-safe database based on CDC data here:

Read Steve Kirsch’s article ‘Why did the CDC hide the V-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years?’

SOURCE: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6313218294112