Easton Spectator Welcomes Our Friend “Briden Solutions” to grace our pages…
Briden Solutions is a Canadian company, a supplier of Emergency Foods. With the likelyhood of food shortages on the horizon, it’s best to be prepared when it happens.
Did you know there have been 98 Food Processing Plants in the United States and in Ontario which have burned to the ground within the last year, two were hit by airplanes. Did you know, California are taking over 70,000 trucks off the road. This will have a tremendous impact on our food chain. Watch Video HERE and HERE.
Briden Solutions is a family owned and operated business located in Calgary, Alberta. Their roots are in emergency preparedness and their goal is to help fellow Canadians feel the Peace of Mind that comes from being prepared for natural disasters like floods, earthquake, tornado, wildfire, ice storms, winter storms, and with word of food shortages this winter, Briden Solutions wants you to always be prepared.
Right from the beginning their main focus has been researching and sourcing great food products for our community. We’ve hand curated a selection of freeze dried, dehydrated and wet pack food from the best manufacturers in North America. Great tasting, easy to use food for all your emergency, camping and outdoor needs. We only bring in the best!
Briden Solutions has the widest range of top caliber freeze dried foods in Canada. Fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and beans. Build your own meals, or eat right from the can – with Nutristore the possibilities are endless and delicious.
The Time Is Now – Sale News “Black Friday” starts at 10am MST tomorrow…
Do you ever have that feeling you need to do something right now? Well, big news from us – we are going against the grain (as per our normal) and we are going to have our 2022 Black Friday sale early. Last year about this time supply chains were so messed up we were contemplating if we could even have our usual Black Friday sale.
This year, as we have pondered the sale, it just feels right to have our sale sooner. With so many world variables in play I want to make sure your goods are safely with you long before the November chaos shipping rush happens, all the couriers all get stretched, and who knows what else comes up.
So mark your calendars…
our 2022 Black Friday Sale begins this Friday October 21 at 10 am Mountain Time.
You can email Briden Solutions at in**@br*************.ca
or phone them at 1-888-817-5550 to place your order….