by Keean Bexte
October 20, 2022
Transcripts of Brenda Lucki’s phone calls have just been released
Transcripts have just been released of RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki’s phone calls with her subordinates shortly after the mass shooting in Nova Scotia, and they do not look good.
In the calls, Lucki says that she was “disheartened that she was unable to come through for the Prime Minister” and also “does anybody realize what’s going on in the world of handguns and guns right now?”
This implies that she knew of upcoming gun control measures, and wanted to push the political narrative on the incident to further enforce gun control measures on innocent Canadians.
In addition, Lucki states that Const. Heidi Stevenson, who was killed that day, was not trained to use a carbine rifle, which could have potentially saved her life.
This embarrassing charade cannot go on any longer. Brenda Lucki needs to be fired immediately to save the RCMP, before its too late. Sign our petition here.
Keep fighting for what is right,
Keean Bexte
P.S. Holding the RCMP’s feet to the fire does not come cheaply. Please help out any way that you can.
Ham Sandwich Lucki was put there exclusively to run cover for Trudeau. They damn well knew that this… THING… had not only committed a huge number of crimes, but was going to be committing even more during it’s time it stole the prime minister’s office. Total rig job. This should be zero surprise and like usual no consequences will become of it. After all, government will now just note to protect anyone from ever being arrested for their crimes (Right, Marco?).
Also, Keean, it’s already too late. The RCMP will never do their job and arrest Trudeau. The military will never do their job and arrest Trudeau. The average protestor has more courage (or whatever word you want to use) than the entire public service system put together. They will deliberately arrest, harm and kill every other person in Canada trying to call out the b.s. before they EVER life a pinky to do their job. Jeremy Mackenzie is rotting in jail right now to prevent him from testifying why the EA was enacted. The cause is already lost. This whole thing is yet another instance why revolution is the only option left in this country.
I remember saying at the start of the year that if Canada still existed by the end of the year, I would be impressed. A little over two months to go on that and it looks I still have good chance of being right about that.
Questions for you all, notably anti-gun ownership types.
1: Does a person (notably a Canadian here) have a right to defend oneself from a potential or actual physical attack?
2: Does said person have a right to defend another family member from a potential or actual physical attack?
3: Does said person have a right to defend their property from being stolen and/or vandalized?
4: Does said person have the right to come to another person’s (such as a friend, co-worker or even strangers) aid in an act of defence if they witness this person being or about to be attacked?
If any of you said, “Yes” to these above questions. I then ask what levels of defence and or tools or weapons of aiding a person from such physical attack should we allow? and why?
I’ll lead of off on this.
If you believe we have a right to self defence, what weapons or tools should be acceptable for such;
a pair of hands and/or feet?
a knife?
a club, bat or pipe?
a crowbar?
a meat cleaver?
a screwdriver?
a spear type instrument?
a chemical product?
a Firearm?
If you ‘rightfully’ said any of the above tools or weapons should be lawful for a person to use in order to dissuade or respond to a physical attack about to or in the process of happening to themselves, other family members, other people and even protecting one’s own property from theft or vandalism, then WHY ARE CERTAIN TYPES OF FIREARMS OR IN SOME PEOPLES’ VIEWS SHOULD ALL FIREARMS ‘illegal’ for Canadians here in this case to own or use?
If I have the right to defend myself from a potential or in process physical attack, why should I be denied whichever tool/weapon of choice above INCLUDING the best and most deterring tool, a firearm at my disposal?
Of all the choices above the one that is the best equalizer in any physical confrontation would be the firearm, so why do many people want and does our government ‘illegally’ mandate the criminalization of said firearms from lawful citizenry ownership?
If for example say 5’3″, 110lb. woman about to be attacked by say a 6’2″, 220lb. man. which of the tools/weapons above be her best and most equalizing choice?
her hands/feet?
a knife?
a club of some sort?
a spray bottle of mace/pepper spray?
a handgun?
If you did not say handgun then you are living in a world of INDOCTRINATED (by decades of government and media misinformation) delusions?
Anything short of a hand gun (or any gun she can have) allows a generally much stronger and larger perp who may be angry, horny or just messed up in the head a better opportunity of attacking her and possibly using said non firearm tools/weapons against her if/when he gets control over such. Each non firearm choice requires her to be in CLOSE quarters to try to use in defending herself, as such he may be able to stop such use and gain control over such non firearms weapons? ONLY THE GUN! can allow her to defend herself more ably and at a potentially more safer distance. In fact and YES U.S. government facts back this up, that often even just showing or before such attack happens one brandishing a firearm in self defence is likely to dissuade the attack/physical encounter from happening.
SO I ASK, WHY DOES OUR CURRENT PRIME MINISTER AND OTHER ANTI-GUN TYPES (in government, law enforcement, media and activists) NOT WANT WOMEN (or in actual fact any lawful citizens regardless or sex, or other physical characteristics) THE RIGHT TO USE WHICHEVER WEAPONS/TOOLS OF SELF DEFENCE INCLUDING FIREARMS OF THEIR CHOICE?
One either has the right to self defence, come to the aid of another person’s defence and/or property defence or not?
If you say YES! then you can’t be against lawful citizens freely choosing to own any firearms of their choice handguns and/or rifles, including semi-automatic rifles of their choice?
FYI, did you know in Canada it’s even illegal for a person to carry or use even non lethal mace, bear spray or pepper spray for self defence purposes against other people, ASK YOURSELVES WHY?!?
None of these ANTI-FIREARM type measures peddled by our governments are for general safety or freedom?
CRIMINALS DON’T FOLLOW SAID LAWS! But these laws leave generally defenceless the lawful citizens, and let our increasingly radical and warped minded governments, including bureaucracy to have un-neccessary and even abusive powers over YOU and ME! THINK ABOUT IT!
A citizen should lawfully be able to choose to own ANY firearm of their choice and use it appropriately in self-defence, in defending family or coming to the defensive aid of another person who is under physical or about to be attack, as well as to use such appropriately in defence one’s own property.
I hear the bleeding hearts (to which for over 20 years of my adult life I was ignorantly but virtue signalling wise one
) say the following, “But you own nothing of value that is worth the possible loss of another person’s life”
To which I say with common sense logic the following. “Hey to the potential perp and any other persons, there is nothing I own in my home or business that you may want to STEAL from that is worth YOU possibly losing your life over.”